Chapter one

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Isabella Fields (Izzie/princess)

Isabella Fields (Izzie/princess)

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Robin Jones (Hood)

"Flowers look good on you, Trix" I say to my sister as she's getting ready to walk down the isle, carefully perfecting her vail

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"Flowers look good on you, Trix" I say to my sister as she's getting ready to walk down the isle, carefully perfecting her vail. Beatrix has always been lucky in life, she's effortlessly beautiful and has always had it so easily when it came to guys. I on the other hand wasn't very popular with boys, I got the brains and she's got the genes. She has been with her boyfriend since what seems to be an eternity and their love seems untarnished by any arguments or discord, pure love is what they are, I envy that. Truth be told, I'll probably end up alone, I've always been a loner anyway. I'm moving to Ottawa tomorrow for college, as clever as I am, Yale wasn't in the cards due to financial constraints, my parents aren't very wealthy, they're doing pretty well nonetheless, but my mom had to go through many surgeries last spring so the Yale budget wasn't an option anymore. I'm headed to U Ottawa to study literature, fueled by the dream of one day writing a novel. My dad isn't thrilled; he thinks I'm wasting my potential when I could become a doctor or something. Yet, my mom's dying wish was for him to let me follow my dreams, and I owe it all to her. Oh, how I miss her. My departure has left my father quite upset, claiming I remind him of my mother. "You have her emerald eyes and the same golden hair," he keeps repeating. I don't quite see the resemblance; my mother was a tall and proud woman, whereas I'm on the shorter side and have "love handles," as my sister calls them - a romanticized way of suggesting I hit the gym.

"ISABELLA, WE NEED TO GO" my dad screams, interrupting me in the middle of my thoughts. "COMING". I glance at my childhood home one last time before going, remembering all the nostalgic memories I have with my mother. The kitchen we used to bake cookies in together, the living room that hosted the uncountable slumber parties we made and the entry way in which I saw her for the very last time, If I knew what was going to happen I would've hung on to that hug a while longer. I made sure to bring one of her shirts with me, they still smell like her, I can't really describe that smell, but I can tell you it's heavenly.

"My baby is off to college, I can't believe it"

"Don't cry please, I'm only two hours away and I'll come visit"

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