Chapter two

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The sound of my very aggressive alarm woke me up at seven thirty sharp, I always dread waking up. I get ready, trying to look good without looking like I tried too hard, I kept in mind what Cally told me yesterday about college kids not giving a single shit about how others look. I, on another hand, like looking good, not for other people, but for myself, it boosts my confidence. I carefully put my hair up in a ponytail, assuring myself that there isn't any bumps, I hate them, you can say it's sort of a pet peeve. I then try to do my makeup like Cally did last night, but as I tried to do the eyeliner, I kept on messing up and female rage got to me, so I decided not to do the eyeliner since time was starting to beat me. I put on some black comfy pants and a white turtleneck shirt, it's a classy outfit but isn't too much either, at least that's what I think.

I managed to get to class five minutes early, I've watched many movies and noticed that it wasn't very necessary to arrive super early since the classes risk not to even be opened yet. When I finally got inside the classroom, I was one of the first people here and could pick out the perfect spot, directly in the middle, being too upfront intimidated me, but I find that being in the back row is way too far. When the teacher starts speaking, he is soon interrupted by late footsteps, I don't turn around but can hear them heading to the back of the class, what a bum. "Would you care explaining to the class why you're late, mister Jones?" "I had to take care of some company, sir," a familiar voice responds. I immediately could tell who it was, that accent was pretty hard to miss, I can't catch a break can I. When class is finally over, I head towards the exit when an aggressive voice interrupts me.

"I spy with my little eyes something that is, in love with me."

"Oh shut up, Robin, I'm not in the mood for your shit."

"You really hurt my feelings, princess."

"Why do you even call me that anyway?"

"It seemed appropriate."

I then decide to end the conversation and rudely leave, he's not worth my time. I don't know why I despise him so much actually, probably because he's an entitled prick who thinks he can have anything he wants. I then get to my second class which is physical education; it may be a shocker, but I'm actually really good at sports. I chose volleyball for this semester, which I'm quite impressive at. When I finally enter the gym, I immediately spot Robin, again, what a nightmare.

"The hell are you doing in my class again, aren't you a year above my grade?"

"You're quite curious, aren't you?" he answers, looking me up and down. It made me pretty insecure since I was never dressed so tightly, but to play volleyball I didn't have much of a choice. "A little shy, aren't you now?" he remarks. I then turn around and slip on my untied laces, Robin manages to catch me placing his hand on the small of my stomach, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "Thanks," I awkwardly say. "You might need to pull your shorts down a bit if you don't want every guy to stare at your ass," he whispers. I then obey his remark and decide to go to the other side of the gym, not my proudest moment might I say.

After classes, I make a beeline for the showers before the rush hour hits. Formal clothes are like a prison to me; I crave the comfort of my pajamas as swiftly as possible. As I enter my room, an unwelcome whiff of cannabis assaults my senses. I cringe at the smell, wishing it would dissipate faster than it came. Ignoring the odor, I grab the book my professor assigned, eager to lose myself in its pages. Nestled in my sheets, I light the candle associated with the book's theme. Each scent I choose corresponds to a particular story, creating a cocoon of tranquility. Today, it's banana crumble-a warm, inviting aroma reminiscent of freshly baked cinnamon rolls.

Lost in the world of my book, time slips away unnoticed until an unwelcome interruption jerks me back to reality.

"He boasted about murdering both Alicia and Corinne, as well as leaving that woman to die in the hit-and-run."

The accent is unmistakable; I know exactly who it belongs to.

"What?" I snap.

"The very last line of the book. You're welcome; I just saved you a lot of time," Robin declares.

"Are you kidding me, Robin?"

"Nope, that's what it said. He boasted about-"

"You don't have to repeat yourself, asshole. You've already ruined this story."

"Well, I didn't write the story, sweetheart. It's not my fault Tristen murdered them."

"Why did you say who it was, Robin?"

"Stop saying my name like that, princess. You might make me blush."

"What are you even doing in here? It's my room, for the record."

"I was bored. You should really lock the doors, darling, or some weird guy could come in any second."

"You're the weird guy here, Robin. Get the hell out."

"Alright, alright. And I thought we were bonding," Robin quips as he exits, leaving me exasperated.

Cally enters the room, shooting me a skeptical look.

"I didn't invite him," I defend myself preemptively.

"Thank God. I thought you two were... you know," she trails off, her eyebrows raising suggestively.

"Not a chance. The guy's an ass," I assure her.

"Yeah, I guess that's what makes him Robin. Anyway, what do you think about hitting up a club?"

"Do I need a fake ID? I'm only 18," I reply.

"We're in Ottawa, dummy. Legal age is 18."

"Didn't we go out, like, yesterday?"

"So? We're in college, and besides, the first week of class isn't that important. Especially as a freshman; teachers don't really get into the subject until the second week."

"Okay, I'm in."

Since I'm not keen on showing too much cleavage, Cally lends me a tight, long-sleeved black shirt with an open back-my proudest feature, especially considering I have a tattoo there and we head out.

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