008. Marks of Many

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Marks of Many

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Yoongi was bestowed the obsidian armor and black warkin leather that marked the position of Gratori. Though he didn't wear it yet, my gut coiled at the growing intimidation of him. I prided myself on my skill with knives earned over years of exhausting practice. But facing the one who wielded that double-bladed polearm and would sport a nearly impenetrable outfit from now on... it left me even more fearful than the idea of deceiving the Silver King out of his power.

With not a second more to spare in thought, I raced down to the first story of the palace and out onto the courtyard. The crowd had dispersed a little, but I still had to weave my way through countless Alfir guests and the Trians who entertained their desperation. I knew well that I would appear eager too, but the ceremony was too impending for me to care.

With the nobles and the assassin finally in view, my mouth opened before I could think.


Six heads turned to meet my face, causing my words to falter.

"Moon, good." the current masked King, Jungkook, spoke before I could finish. "My brothers were about to make their rounds with the rest of my guests tonight. It seems most of them have been distracted as of late." My cheeks burned as each of them looked at me knowingly. Every one of us knew that I was their distraction–something I still failed to understand. "I, however, will be going for a stroll and would like it if you accompanied me."

Framed as a request, but the firmness in his tone made it a command. The sole fact it left his lips made it a command.

I lowered my head, cheeks still heated. "I would be happy to, My King."

There went the final chance at securing one of them to choose me tomorrow. I could only hope their curiosity towards me was enough for at least one of them to invite me to stay.

The princes glanced at me one last time before they each filtered into different areas of the crowd, swiftly surrounded by the same guests who had been too timid to speak to them before. I supposed most had found at least one other high elf willing to pick them, so the princes were a luxury they could finally afford to spend some of their time on.

My chest filled with worry. Should I have lowered my sights to the Trians? Would I have secured my stay already if I had trained my focus on them instead of the nobles?

A cool hand brushed my shoulder, and I straightened as the King's fingers played with the fabric of Seokjin's robe covering my skin. Yoongi was at his side, glaring his striking eyes into mine.

"Come," the ruler ordered, dropping his hand away.

As the King began walking, Yoongi and I stepped to follow closely behind, and he pushed past me to come up to the King's right side. I bit my tongue before taking up the left. While we trailed the edge of the courtyard, stepping underneath the row of suspended flames, the ruler continued to walk and look ahead as he addressed his new protector.

"Yoongi, I do admire your willingness to begin your duties immediately, but I would prefer to have a few moments alone with Moon. Why don't you go try on the armor and see that it fits. I've survived a couple days with no Gratori, so what's another hour?"

A stretch of silence before Yoongi quietly responded, "Of course, Your Greatness. I'll return soon." After a lingering look at me, he broke off toward the Day Palace.

The King led me to a stone path some ways off from the palaces. We walked wordlessly for a while, the white moonlight, rustling trees, and low hum of insects our only company. When we came upon a large water fountain surrounded by benches and patches of flowers, he stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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