Chapter 4.

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As I stood in my room, the world's weight crashing down within my soul felt like a storm raging within me. It was as if the foundations of my life had crumbled beneath me, leaving me adrift in a sea of chaos and uncertainty. Like a ship tossed about on the waves, I struggled to keep my head above water, desperately searching for some semblance of stability amidst the upheaval of emotions that threatened to consume me.

"This isn't happening! I've lost it; I've lost my head!" I exclaimed, panic rising, the weight of the surreal situation pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. This isn't happening, this can't be happening. There is no possible explanation that two dead men are in the room talking to me as if their hearts still beat. But then again...nothing I know of now can be explained by logic.

"Can we stop with the spiral?" Elijah interjected, his tone strained, his impatience palpable as he attempted to rein in the chaos threatening to consume us all. All the anger I felt for him came back tenfold, my hands twitched in rage wanting to clasp his neck into my palms.

"You!" I pointed accusingly at him, my finger trembling with fear and anger. I zipped in front of him in a second but like Daniel, he was gone before I could get my fingers around his throat.

"No touching, sorry gorgeous. Can't eat me now," Elijah remarked with a smirk, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he taunted me with his immunity to physical harm.

"You killed me, you fucking wanker!" I shouted, my anger boiling over as I confronted Elijah with the pain and betrayal he had inflicted upon me.

"As I said before, it wasn't personal, but..." Elijah trailed off, his tone tinged with a hint of regret, though his expression remained inscrutable. "It kinda is now that your beloved killed me," he added bitterly, his words echoing with the weight of unresolved resentment and sorrow. 

Daniel chuckled from across the room, my eyes turning to look at him, "Seems we both have that in common," Daniel chimed in, his voice laced with sarcasm, the bitterness in his tone mirroring my own.

"I wouldn't be this—this thing! If it wasn't for you!" I spat out, my voice trembling with rage and anguish, the weight of my transformation crashing down on me like a suffocating burden.

"Monster you mean?" Elijah sneered, his words a cruel reminder of the monstrous existence I had been forced into, his mocking tone twisting the knife of self-loathing deeper into my wounded soul.

"I think it's actually demon spawn, lad," Daniel corrected him, a hint of amusement in his tone, his sarcasm a brief respite from the tension filling the room.

"Oh right, thank you," Elijah replied dryly, his tone devoid of sincerity as he begrudgingly accepted the correction. It seemed as if Elijah and Daniel didn't get along. I could only wonder why saying they are both murdering psychotic assholes, you'd think they'd hit it off quite nicely.

"You both are unbearable," I muttered under my breath, my frustration with their banter simmering just beneath the surface as I struggled to come to terms with the surreal reality of my existence. Maybe my brain turned into mush when Elijah syphoned my magic? Seems probable at this point.

"How is this happening? Are you even real?" I asked, desperation evident in my voice, my words a plea for clarity amid the chaos surrounding us.

"You tell us," Daniel retorted coolly, his tone tinged with a hint of defiance as he echoed my uncertainty, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know! You—" I began, frustration boiling over, but my words were cut short. The sudden knock on the door sent a jolt of fear through me, freezing me in place. Before I could respond, the door swung open, and a figure stepped inside, causing me to hold my breath involuntarily.

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