Chapter 3.

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AN: I know I have a schedule for chapters but I'm writing quicker than ever here but wanted to give y'all something sooner:)

March 17th, 1974

Til min skjønne jente, 

It has been four months and ten days since I last saw you, and the war within the country and within my mind continues to rage on. The lycans are growing, becoming trickier and less docile than before. Learning of teachings from your past mentor to place blackthorn between their claws has dwindled our numbers. Other Lords want to turn more humans and make them reborn to aid in the battles which is only increasing tension between us. As selfish as it is, I do not care about them. Only you, to get back to you have this fucking war over. I even shut out Alexander, and you from my mind; silencing our bond. I had to. 

I just kept waiting and waiting for you to call out to me, I swear my mind played tricks on me. I've sworn I heard you calling to me when in battle, earned me a slash to the ribs for listening. I wonder what you'd look like when you've woken. I know half-bloods and some Sang Sales have their appearance changed when they are reborn. I know you would look beautiful, as you always have.

It's been lonely here, the phone lines have been cut from thoughts of spies listening into our conversation. Which means I have lost contact with not only Alexander but Fredick as well. As far as I know, he's still alive. Barely, but he's kicking. Last I heard from him he was in Germany, recruiting Sang Sales for the war. He wants them as dead as I do, the Lycans to perish. But I know he's weak, and growing weaker each day so I wouldn't allow him to fight alongside me. I know it's a matter of time for him, Purebloods can only last so long without their beloved I don't doubt it won't be long now. 

We have been moved to Bergsåsen, our station has been placed here for the time being. I can only hope we aren't pushed farther south.

I could imagine you here. I think of that fiery passion you have, like back when we first met. You were keen on slaying the beast, standing by your word even when it almost killed you. I admire that about you, I truly do. Even though you become as stubborn as a mule, you stick to your word. When I am fighting, I make myself stick to my words. To come back to my home, which is you. You are my light, and I can't let it become dark again. I won't let it, for you.

I will write again soon, I hope to give you this book when I come home. Because I will come home, you have my word, my love.

Din kjæreste kjærlighet,

Knox Sorenson


"Darling? What is it? What's wrong?" Xander asked urgently, his eyes filled with concern as he rushed into the room. It was hard to swallow like a boulder had placed itself deep in my throat. Xander drew closer, cradling my cheeks with both hands as he lowered himself back beside me. Tears threatened to flow down my cheeks as my wide eyes met his concerned ones.

"I-" I struggled to find the words, my throat tight with fear and disbelief. I was hallucinating; it had to be that...

"Nothing...I thought I saw someone..." I finally managed to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper as I averted my gaze. Xander's brow furrowed in confusion, but he didn't press further. "You have just awoken love, and it is a significant change. Come let us get you dry and cleaned.", he states calmly, trying to ease my nerves. However, I did see his eyes avert scanning the room.

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