Ren, taking a thoughtful sip from his latte, unfolded a layer of his persona. "Well, guys, I want to be an archaeologist, just like my dad was. There's something about digging through history, unearthing stories from the past, that has always fascinated me, You get me?"

Jessica, eyes widening with intrigue, responded, "That's amazing, Ren! Have you been on any digs with your dad?"

Ren chuckled, "A few, yeah. I've got this collection of artifacts at home that I've found over the years. It's like holding a piece of history in your hands."

Avery, leaning forward, Inspecting everybody's personality's which her father always said was a good strategy incase you needed it, she asked, "What period of history fascinates you the most?"

Ren, with an easy smile, replied, "I'd say ancient civilizations. The way they lived, their customs—it's like piecing together a puzzle that's been scattered across time."

Luna, captivated by Ren's passion, added, "That's so cool, Ren."

Ren, maintaining his chill demeanor, nodded. "Yeah, it's not something I bring up often. But history, it's like a silent storyteller, waiting to be discovered."

Luna, sipping her coffee, keeping the conversation towards aspirations. "You guys know I've always wanted to be a therapist, right?" she said, her eyes sparkling with a deep sense of purpose.

Avery, listening intently, asked, "What inspired you to choose that path, Luna?"

Luna's gaze softened, and she shared, "I just believe in the power of helping people. Life can be tough, and sometimes all someone needs is a listening ear. I want to be that support for others, you know?"

Avery, who had been observing Luna's genuine kindness throughout the trip, felt a subtle shift within herself. Luna's sincerity and the warmth in her eyes resonated with something deeper. As Luna spoke about her desire to make a positive impact on people's lives, Avery found herself drawn to the authenticity radiating from her friend.

Ren, with a nod, remarked, "That's a noble path, Luna. Not everyone has the patience and empathy required for that kind of work."

Luna, ever humble, shrugged. "I just want to make a difference, even if it's in small ways."

Luna's desire to help others sparked a warmth within Avery, A feeling she never felt. It was unfamiliar, she felt like different person.

The teacher's call echoed through the small cafe, Saying it's time to move . Jessica excused herself, leaving Luna, Avery, and Ren to linger a little longer in the courtyard.

As they strolled along the pathway, Luna calls out she is going to dispose of her drink in a nearby bin, left Ren and Avery alone. Sensing an opportunity, Avery noticed a quaint pin shop nearby and couldn't resist investigating.

"Oh, what's that?" Avery pointed to the shop, her curiosity piqued.

Ren, glancing at the display, replied, "They print out badges there."

Avery, contemplating the idea, seized the moment. She dug into her pockets and retrieved some money. Ren, observing her silently, sensed something was afoot.

"Do you think Luna would wear a badge..?" Avery pondered, her gaze fixated on the pin shop.

"Yeah, she has a few already," Ren responded casually.

With a determined glint in her eyes, Avery shared her plan, "Tell Luna to stay with you. I'm going to go get her a badge."

She headed into the shop, the bell above the door jingling softly as she entered. Avery approached the counter and asked the person behind it, "Can you make a badge with 'The Queen Is Dead' album cover?"

The shopkeeper, intrigued, nodded. "Sure thing. That's a classic choice. It'll just take a moment."

As they prepared the badge, Avery handed over the money, excitement bubbling beneath the surface. The shopkeeper crafted the badge with care, capturing the essence of the iconic album cover.

Avery emerged from the shop, a small but meaningful surprise in hand, clutching the badge in her hand, Avery spotted Luna a few steps away. She called out to her, "Luna, wait up!"

Luna turned, her eyes lighting up with curiosity as Avery approached. With a beaming smile, Avery handed Luna the badge, saying, "I saw this and thought you might like it, I just had money so I thought why not knowing you like the smiths."

Luna's eyes widened in delight as she examined the badge. "Oh, wow! This is amazing! I love it!" She couldn't hide the genuine happiness radiating from her, Avery couldn't help but smile back at the sight of her enjoying the gift she gave her

Unable to contain her joy, Luna pulled Avery into an unexpected hug. "Thank you so much! I need to get you something back! Ahh, tysm!"

Avery, feeling the warmth of the embrace, couldn't help but smile at Luna's genuine appreciation. "You don't have to, Luna. I'm just glad you like it."

"But I have toooo" Luna said, still holding the badge in her hand, looked at it with a mixture of gratitude and excitement.

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