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"Manny, stop him! stop him, you can do it." Gloria yells. This has been going on for at least 45 minutes. I support Manny, but I can't watch him play so poorly while yelling support for him. that is why I have been on my phone for the past 20 minutes.

"Come on, coach! you've gotta take that kid out" I finally look up. This is going to be interesting. 

"You wanna take him out? How about I take you out?" Gloria responds in anger. 

"Honey, honey" Dad tries to interrupt.

"Why don't you worry about your son!" she ignores dad completely, "He spent the first half with his hands in his pants!"

The lady turns away, as a man comes up to Gloria "I wanted to tell her off for the last six weeks." he takes put his sunglasses, "I'm Josh, Ryan's dad."

"Hi, I'm Gloria Pritchett, Manny's mother."  "Oh this must be your dad and your sister." 

What is he on? In no way do I look like Glorias sister. I mean she great assets and I don't, plus she's a latino and I'm as white as they come.

"Her dad? no no, that's funny. Actually no, i'm her husband" dad says while trying to sit up, "Don't be fooled by the... give me a second here." 


"Bye Aaron" I wave him away. Dad, Gloria and Manny had gone to the mall but I had to pick some things from Aaron's so we had parted ways after the game. after sorting my stuff out he dropped me off at Mitch's house. 

Mitch opened the door and I walked in "I thought I was late."  "You are, but that's fine" he replied while flicking his hand like an old grandma. 

"So, what is the big announcement?" I asked while sitting on the couch. "Lets wait till everybody's here. Anyway who was that guy that dropped you off? He had a nice car." 

"He was my dorm mate, Tessa's cousin. Tessa had some of my stuff but she gave it to Aaron since he lived nearby so I could pick it up."

"Okay, got it. Is he your age? Does dad know about him?"

"He's around my age. He's in his senior year and why would dad know about him? I've met him twice."

"Okay okay, calm down tiger."

Just then then the doorbell rings and Mitch looks around nervously. "you okay?" "sure."

He opens the door and all the family pours in and greets Mitch while dad rings the bell multiple times to announce his presence "Knock knock, we're here, coming in."

"Don't worry dad nothing gay going on here." I look away uncomfortable and done for. "May I take your multicolored coat and bejeweled cap?" I look back to see dad giving him the said cap while adorning the orange and black coat/jacket. 

Claire and Phil greet dad and Gloria. "  "Hi Gloria, how are you? What a beautiful dress!"

"Ay, thank you Phil."  "Okay." replies Phil while touching her waist. I snort.

Claire smacks his hand away. "No, 'Phil'. That how she says 'Phil'. not 'feel' Phil"

"Emily isn't here yet?" dad asks. "Right here." I call from the couch while standing up to greet Claire and Phil.

"Hey Emily." They both say in unison. "Jinx." Phil says while pointing towards Claire. She ignores him and gives me a smile while going back to sit on the single sofa. "She didn't say anything because I haven't said her name yet." Phil told me with a short laugh.

Modern family ~ Emily PritchettWhere stories live. Discover now