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12 the February

To lose someone you love is to alter your life for ever.

This hole in my heart is in the shape of you and no-one else can fit it.

Jk woke up and headed to work like every other day. Additionally, he prayed to God.

Please comfort my soul in these times.
Please give my heart and my mind peace.
Give me the strength and courage I need to move on with my life.
Take away my sorrows and grant me with serenity.

JungKook came back from office and said to himself

I do not know why you had to go,

It is hard to not touch you, It is hard to not see you.. I wish so much to hear your voice. .. Just One More Time.

I hear you whisper inside my thoughts I feel you around me.. I know you live on, through those lives you have touched.

I know someday I'll see you again, In my hand ill hold you close, And keep you safe.. Until then. Keep sending me signs.

Always remembered Always loved From your loved ones you watch over From your world up above.

As soon as he reached from the office he opened the letter

The letter

My presence may be gone, but the love and memories we shared will forever be a part of you and me. I cherish and hold them close, finding comfort in your eternal embrace.
Happy hug day

Clue: the place where we always cuddled to show the love we're feeling but can't find the words to say.

He went to the sofa and searched around the cushions and found a letter

The letter

My loved ones down on Earth. I am wanting to say a few words....
Please listen to me

Please do not live your lives in complete sorrow.This is not what I want to see.
Your life is a gift, for YOU

Please don't show them your life is of sorrow and negativity Grieve for me, but for a short time please

I am still here, beside you, on my knees When you feel sadness, I do too.

It hurts me to see that you're feeling so sad.

I do understand that you miss me and ache that I am gone.

Remember... I AM still with you While you are in a lot of sadness,

I smile when I see you smiling

All I feel your love when you open your heart of these help me, I need these to let me progress in Heaven above

Please listen to me, grieve, but not too long

If you look deep within your heart

We will NEVER be apart

Let me grow as an Angel

Let your love shine through in all that you do Please listen to me, let me be free

Let my wings spread open wide and fly


Jk sadly smiled and slept there in sofa hugging the letter tight.

MY ONLY VALENTINE Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant