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11th February

Jk woke up and said

A part of me has departed with you

He was prepared. As it was Sunday, he had no work. He only had a small breakfast.

He said

I wish I could see you one more time come walking through the door But I know that is impossible

I will hear your voice no more.

I know you can feel my tears and you don't want me to cry Yet my heart is broken because I can't understand why someone so precious had to die.

I pray that God will give me strength and somehow get me through As I struggle with this heartache That came when I lost you.

He opened the letter

The letter

More than the moon, I want you. More than water, I want you. More than roses, I want you. And more than me, I want you.
Happy Promise Day

Clue 5: Go to our closet and take the purple box.

He did the same and he found a letter and a small box with password.

The letter

Don't remember me with sadness, Don't remember me with tears, Remember all the laughter, We've shared throughout the years.

When you are walking down the street And you've got me on your mind, I'm walking in your footsteps Only half a step behind.

So please don't be unhappy Just because I'm out of sight, Remember that I'm with you Each morning, noon and night.

Hint for password for the small box to open:
The day when I first met you

And jk typed the numbers


The box opened,
He found a diamond chain with letter TK. He immediately wore it with all love..


During the evening, jk visited the cemetery where tae was laid to rest.

He sat close to Tae's gravesite and placed the flowers he had brought for him, tears streaming down his face.

He said

I wrap myself in my blanket, And pretend that its your arms, Because maybe if you were here, Things wouldn't be so hard.

I rest my head on my pillow, And pretend that its your chest, Because maybe if you were here. My heart would ache less.

I close my eyes and sigh, And pretend these miles don't exist, Because they overwhelm me completely,

All I want is to feel your kiss.

There was a heavy rain, but Jk didn't mind getting wet. He continued to cry and speak.

Rain is not only drops of water. It's the love of the sky for the earth. They never meet each other but sends love this way.

Some days I feel so lost and wish that you were here,
It's hard to put it into words just what you mean to me
This aching heart and crying eyes are probably what you see.
I am taking it day by day ever since you've been away
One step at a time and still wishing you could have stayed.

He relaxed and went to his house and slept.

You will lose someone you can't live without, and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn't seal back up. And you come through. It's like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp.

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