Chapter Twenty

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My blood drained. How did I get here? Why am I here? Where abouts am I? What the hell is going on?!I stared at the man murderously, digging my nails into the frosty metal; claws beginning to overtake my buds and hair appearing all over my arms. 

I was shifting. 

Alpha Dame smirked, standing up and backing away. I growled furiously, breaking the chains that held me down. Dame's face paled as he saw my body rise and bones shaping. I quickly flew the table to the door so no one could break in - or out. 

As I was transforming, my smirk grew wider. There was no chance he was getting out of this one. I admired the dark blond fur that was caressing my skin whilst Dame shrieked in the corner of the room. 

From the corner of my eye, I noticed how creepy I looked. And I loved it. Actually, I'm quite surprised that Alpha Dame hasn't had the courage to change as well. 

Hold on...

He's got a plan. 

I growled again, shoving every piece of furniture in the room to the door. Now he couldn't escape. When I turned around, I saw that Alpha Dame had fully transformed and so had I. His black fur spiked out and it looked as if he lived under a bridge with the troll.

Both of our huffs were in sync as we circled each other. I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to make the move - he would attack me from the side, causing me to fall to the ground. From spying at him in the war on my packs grounds, I knew what his tactics were. We circled each other for another five minutes before the furniture began to rumble and five guards in their human form stormed in - coming for me. 

It took all of them to get me on the ground and pinned down. I sighed in defeat, staring at Dame with disgust. He was now in his human form and had a pair of shorts on. I gave him a look that said 'this isn't over'; he smirked and waved goodbye as the guards dragged me out of the room. 


I sat, huddled on the cold floor of the private cell that the guards had decided to hold me hostel in. It had nothing in it but an air vent and a toilet - which was a bucket. I scoffed at it; like I would go in there

I can't believe I didn't up my game to them stupid guards. Why was I so stupid to let them take me away? I was supposed to kill Dame there and then. Heck, I was supposed to win back in America. 

"I'm sorry dad," I whispered hoarsely, "I feel like this is all of my fault, y'know? If I hadn't of came back... If I hadn't of let you fight Dame; you would still be here. But I promise I'll get all of the family back home safely and I'll make sure Alpha Dame is dead. I promise."

By now, I had my head in my knees and was sobbing loudly - letting all of my emotions out. 

"It isn't your fault, Holly." A low voice said. 

I looked up between my hair and sniffled. Right there in front of me, stood my dad. 

"Dad?" I said quietly. 

"I can't stay for long, they'll know I'm here. But I need to tell you something," he sat down beside me and held my hand, "when they caught me, I was put in this cell. I know how to get you out. But when you do, I want you to run straight to your mother's room and get her out and in safety. I can contact your brothers and tell them how to escape."

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