Chapter Twenty-One

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I felt suffocated as everyone hugged me. Tears of happiness poured out of all of our eyes once we had broken apart. I'd gotten us all back. Well, technically my dad did. I smiled in relief; we're safe and we can go home now. Wait a second, 

"How the hell are we supposed to get home?" I thought out loud. 

"There is no home," Isaac stated, wrapping his arms around Sarah and rubbing her stomach. 

"What about our pack house?" I asked. 

"They destroyed it. We have to find somewhere new to go, and pretty fast by the looks of it." Dylan said. 

"What do you mean?" Mom spluttered.

"They may have found out that we escaped..." Dylan and Isaac both nodded behind us. I turned around frantically to see Alpha Dame and his guards surveying the grounds - trying to find us.

How does he realise so quick?

I motioned for everyone to hide behind the near by bush and block their thoughts so Dame wouldn't know what we're thinking. After all, we are part of his pack. 

I tried to think of an escape plan but nothing popped up in my head. Usually, I'm able to think of one straight away. But every single thought that came - Dame would be able to find us. 

Basically, someone has to die. Rather us be captured, or Alpha Dame gets killed. Or..

I faced my family, "I'm going to give myself up." 

"Holly, no." Dylan demanded. 

"We aren't going to make it out of here unless I do that. Plus, this is my problem; he wants me. And that's what he's going to get if it means you guys get to go." I said. 

"Sweetheart don't do this," my mother begged. 

I ignored her. 

"When I show myself, I'll offer Alpha Dame the deal with you guys standing behind me. Okay?" 

They all nodded hesitantly and stood up. I walked out of the bush and into the open, showing myself to Dame and his filthy guards. 

"Are you sure about this Hol? I really don't want you to go through with this." Isaac said. 

"Yeah," everyone else agreed. 

"No, we're going to go through with this. Now shut up." I began to walk towards the house. Sad thoughts and regret floated in my brain and I had to block my mind so nobody would realise that I didn't want to go through with this. 

I have to do it for dad. He wanted my mom to be safe. Dylan and Isaac have to protect their mates and upcoming children. Hopefully they'll get to see their auntie one day. Hopefully. 

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