03 || Homesick

44 3 0

Season one, Episode one


THE METAL lining of the car bumper was scorching as the sun glared down on it. Audie's jeans offered some protection from the heat as she sat upon the car, her legs too tired to stand any longer.

Almost an hour had passed since the men had disappeared inside the sheriffs department. Early that morning they had headed back to Ricks house, grabbing the keys and driving down to the now abandoned building with the intent of having a hot shower. However, even with the world now in pieces, Audie still couldn't imagine anything worse than showering in-front of three men, one of which being a complete stranger, so had instead offered to wait outside by the car. 

With her legs pressed tightly against her chest, she rested her chin on her knees, tossing the small pocket knife back and forth in her hands. Audie always found comfort in running her fingers over the intricate carvings on its handle. 

The knife had been a gift from her father. Back when life had been normal, her father loved nothing more than taking her off through some hiking trail in an attempt to teach her to hunt. Audie hated killing the animals, and would often find herself pretending to miss a shot, purely to give the creature a chance to get away. Despite that, Audie still went out with him every weekend, finding no greater joy than that of the time spent with her father.

The sheriffs department door swung open, hitting against the wall with a hard thump. Audie's head shot up, realising she had become completely lost within her daydreams. 

"Conserve your ammo," Rick was instructing the others as they walked up the slope towards her, "It goes faster than you think, especially at target practice." Having now showered, Rick had changed into a sheriffs uniform, a hat rested comfortably upon his head. Duane had a rather large duffle bag draped over his shoulder, and was struggling to heave it over to his car. 

Pushing herself off the bumper of the car, Audie came up behind Morgan as Rick set about unlocking one of the police vehicles left abandoned in the parking lot. "Are you sure you won't come along?" Rick raised an eyebrow at Morgan.

Before he could reply, Audie had pushed forward curiously, "You're leaving already?"

"Heading into Atlanta, gonna try and find one of those refugee camps," Rick confirmed.

"And your not going?" She turned to Morgan.

"We'll be going in a few days, by then Duane will know how to shoot and I won't be so rusty."

Audie drew a deep breath, she knew there was a good possibility that if Rick left now they may never see him again. She also knew there was a good possibility it could be more than a few days before Morgan was ready to leave.

Time seemed to slow as she thought to herself. A large part of her wanted to stay with Morgan and Duane, stay where she knew it was safe, at least for the time being. But a feeling, like a  small trickle of sand at the back of her brain, was screaming at her to step forward and say something, and for some reason, that's exactly what she did.

"I want to go with Rick," she blurted, looking up at the man in the uniform with a hint of admiration. 

Everything was silent for a moment and her cheeks went red. Turning to Morgan she began to speak again, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean... You have been amazing, and gave me everything I needed... but..." She trailed off, looking down embarrassed.

The corners of Morgan's mouth turned up in a reassuring smile, "Kid, don't worry. Thats fine by me."


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