what it's like dating him

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-he makes fun of you for anything

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-he makes fun of you for anything

"why are you dressed like a bum"

-doesn't like corny nicknames

-you two play fight a lottt

-likes alone time better than hanging out with other people

-he loves making tiktoks with you

-gets dry when he's mad

-yelling at Leena and tanner to get out of his room when u come over

-not to much pda in public

-loves hugs n cuddling

-makes you play with his hair, especially when its wet

-also makes you scratch his back

-you take turns scratching each others backs LMFAO but he always ends up doing it for so little and you scratch his back for the majority of the time unfortunately

-he loves to do cringey stuff in front of other people to embarrass you, for example, calling u disgusting pet names. and when you ask him to stop he'll act confused .

-long hugs whenever he see's you!! sniffs you when he hugs you but not in a creepy way yk?

-follows you around, he hates wasting time when he could instead be with you, like actually, since he's always busy, you don't see eachother as much as he'd like, so he's basically attached to you when he sees you.

-lets you braid his hair, and do his makeup (he loves the attention) but won't let you take pictures of him, not at all

-CALLS, FaceTimes especially. he's always asking too call, and if he's not asking too call, he'll be sending you minute long voice messages (?) because he loves to talk to you. It doesn't matter if your playing video games, doing your makeup, hair, homework, or sitting in silence, he always wants to be on call.

I wrote this in 5 minutes ngl n my grammar is like bad

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