0.1 how you met!

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you guys met when you got casted together!

you played as his friend and future love interest for his older self in "The Adam Project", and you guys would practice your lines together, play games, eat, and practically be each other's only entertainment since at most times you would be the only teenagers on the set.

by the end of filming, you guys were very close, practically inseparable.

after a a year or so, he starting to feel something that didn't feel like what he felt for his other friends, that's when he realized he liked you

it took him a looooong time to confess but he did eventually!! I'd say while filming pjo, you guys started talking in a less platonic way and eventually he confessed and you guys started dating!


you two met because of mutual friends, probably Dior or McKenna, but you happened to be in the same place as they were on a hangout. you walked up to say hi and they introduced you to walker. he somehow found your insta and you guys became friends too!

after a couple months he started liking your stories, and you guys started texting more , calling, hanging out, etc. it started off as calling eachother your "bestfriend" but eventually you started dating, it took a while tho.

these were originally written in Spanish look 🤗 I think I said you guys about 100 times but idk I'm not counting

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