0.3 kiss scene

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boy he was so nervouss, he made sure not to eat any smelly foods that day, probably went for a plain salad after overthinking it a lot. he would brush his teeth for extra long in the morning, and right before there kiss scene. he didn't even know why he is so nervous for a little kiss with his close friend! he realized he liked you right after the kiss. and he asked you out a couple days after the kiss scene. he realized how much he liked it and decided to just go for it (omg). for the kiss scene though, it was just a small peck since you both are still young.

you on the other hand, totally chill (yeah fs) did your day as normally as you could, but you'd noticed Walker acting weird the whole day, especially after your scene, he wouldn't look you in the eye, and he looked deep in thought for the rest of the day, I wonder why...

hi bums

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