Seattle Day 2(Two).

Start from the beginning

"You got a point." (Y/N) grabbed the rifle that belonged to Matt. And after searching his dead body, he found a map.

"Well would you look at that." (Y/N) handed Tommy the map, and he spread it open. "Hillcrest, 14.... It's marked. So the inner city i-"

"Where's the home base?" (Y/N) interrupts, barging in, wanting a look at the map.

"Think that it?"

A big circle with a big 2 in the middle.

"Worth a shot."

"Ya think Ellie and Joel's gonna be there?"


Inner City, Pinnacle Theatre.


Ellie walks in the radio room where is already there.

"How's Jesse?"

"Nothing a little sleep wouldn't take care of."

Joel nodded at Ellie's reply.

"So, now what? Plan B?" She begins a new topic with  her own question.

"What do you mean?"

"(Y/N)'s out there, Tommy's out there, means our workload just got doubled. If by some crazy miracle they found each other, then good."

Screen turned to Tommy's and (Y/N) for a moment.

"Hachoo!!!!" Both sneezed at the same time. And boy are they loud.

Back to Ellie and Joel.

"Then there's Abby, who we agreed on killing her without (Y/N) knowing. The Wolves, Scars, how long are we staying here?"

Judging from the tone and body language, she's pissed.

Ellie missed being back at Jackson. Peaceful, calm, just people greeting each other, not shooting at one another.

"I got a plan."

Now that comes as a surprise. Joel got a plan?

"You can stay here and watch Jesse. I can go and find them."

Ellie sighed. Not this sacrificial bullshit again.

"Who? (Y/N)? Tommy? Or Abby?" Joel avoid her gaze.

"I have to start somewhere."

"Where?" Ellie is quick with her tongue. Joel motion for her to join him down, looking at the map.

"This girl, Nora," He holds the picture of the girl. "She's at this hospital, picking up supplies to ship them back to 2. If we get there, we might find her. We did that, we find Abby."

Ellie hesitate for a moment.

Killing Abby was the main point at this stage. They trust (Y/N) and Tommy could handle themselves out there. And if they came across them, good.

"Okay. Abby it is."


"You two watch each other six."

Jesse reminds Joel and Ellie one last time before closing the door.

Joel and Ellie are now enroute to the hospital where Nora is. And hopefully will be by the time they got got there.

"How'd you planned on telling him after we take down Abby?" Joel breaks the silence during the journey.

"Me? It was your idea." Ellie hates to be the middle person.

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