CHAPTER 24 -Devil's Island-

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"Rin!" I called out desperately, my voice hoarse with fear. The flames licked at the debris, casting an eerie glow over the chaos.

"Rin--" I coughed.

The smoke was thick, suffocating, clouding my senses. My sense of smell, usually sharp as a canine's, was useless now, overwhelmed by the acrid stench of burning wood and fuel. I could barely see through the haze, my eyes stinging with tears from the smoke.

With each step, dread coiled tighter in my chest.

"Rin!" I cried again, my voice breaking.

Where is she? Is she hurt? Is she...?


And then, through the haze, I saw her. But the sight that awaited me froze me in my tracks, my heart dropping like a stone in my chest.

One of her legs was pinned under a pile of twisted metal, trapping her in place. And then, as if that weren't enough, I saw it – a shadowy tentacle piercing through her shoulder.

'Rin!' My heart pounded in my chest as I realized the danger she was in.

Without a second thought, without even processing what I was doing, I ran towards her with all the speed I could muster. The world around me seemed to blur as adrenaline surged through my veins, driving me forward with a singular purpose.

'I need to protect Rin!'

And then, at that moment, our eyes met. I threw myself between Rin and Noveno's blades. The impact sent shockwaves of pain coursing through me. But as I gazed into Rin's trembling eyes, relief flooded through me like a rushing tide. She was safe. Despite the chaos, despite the danger, I had managed to protect her from harm. It was a small victory, but at that moment, it felt like the entire world.

'Thank God, I was in time...'

With a heavy sigh of relief, I felt the tension drain from my body. And then, as if all the strength had been sapped from my limbs, I dropped to the ground, my body collapsing into a pool of my own blood. The pain washed over me in waves, sharp and insistent, but somehow distant, as if I were observing it from a great distance.

But even as darkness threatened to claim me, one thought lingered in my mind. Rin was safe. And for that, I would gladly sacrifice my life.

-End of flashback-

As I slowly regained consciousness, the first thing that registered was the blinding light, so bright it felt like it was searing through my eyelids. The crisp scent of sunrise and snow filled my senses, a stark contrast to the smoke and chaos of before.

'Snow?' I thought groggily. I could've sworn I was in the forest just moments ago.


Suddenly, a sound broke through the haze of my thoughts, someone stuttering my name in shock. With effort, I turned my head to the side, squinting against the light, and saw Killua standing there, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"G-Gon...?" he whispered, his voice barely more than a breath.

And then, without warning, he was running towards me, his footsteps creaking against the wooden floor as he threw himself to my side, embracing me in a tight hug.

"Gon! Oh, thank god you're awake!"

I could feel the tremors in his hands as he held me, his arms wrapping around me with a fierceness that took my breath away.

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