CHAPTER 13 -York New-

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My heart pounded like a drum in my chest as I sprinted through the city streets, each step echoing the urgency that pulsed through my veins. The memory of the android's pursuit and the mysterious encounter in the sewer lingered.

The crowd blurred as I weaved through, my eyes darting in all directions to catch any signs of the relentless machine that had chased me moments ago. The distant memories of dimly lit tunnels and the echoing clinks of metal reverberated in my mind, urging me to keep moving.

In my haste, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, an unsettling awareness that sent shivers down my spine. Glancing back over my shoulder, my eyes scanned the faces in the crowd, searching for any sign of danger. The city's rhythm continued, oblivious to the turmoil churning within me.


Suddenly, my rush came to an unexpected halt as I collided with a solid presence. Startled, I stumbled backward, only to find myself face to face with Gon. His concern-filled eyes met mine, mirroring the turmoil that raged within me.

"Gon!" I exclaimed, both relief and surprise coursing through me.

Gon's hands gripped my shoulders with an intensity that reflected his worry, his eyes searching mine for an explanation.

"Rin, where have you been? I was worried sick," he uttered, the concern evident in his voice. Before I could respond, he pulled me into a tight embrace, a mixture of relief and anxiety palpable in the way he held me. "Oh, thank god you're alright."

The sudden hug caught me off guard, but the warmth of Gon's concern melted away any residual tension. I hugged him back, reassurance in my words as I said, "I-I'm fine, Gon..."

As we stood in that embrace, I sensed Gon's nose scrunch slightly, and he pulled away, a puzzled expression on his face.

"Why do you smell like... sewers?" he asked, his brows furrowing.


Before I could respond to Gon's inquiries, Killua appeared, and the rest of the group rushed in. Killua's eyes widened with worry as he caught sight of Gon. In an instant, Killua's gaze shifted to me, his usually calm demeanor replaced by a flash of concern.


Before I could utter a word, Killua's attention shifted to me. His eyes narrowed, and a scowl formed on his face. Without any preamble, he approached, a mix of frustration and worry in his gaze.

"Ringo, you can't just disappear like that without saying anything!" he exclaimed, the worry in his voice veiled by a layer of irritation. "What if something bad happened to you?! Are you still a kid that needs to be told?"

A flash of surprise crossed my face at Killua's sudden scolding, and a subtle irk mark formed on my forehead. His words struck a nerve, and before I could temper my response, a retort burst out.

"Sorry I didn't say a word, I didn't expect to get trapped by an eight-year-old and being chased by a crazy man-killing android!"

The tense atmosphere escalated for a moment as my words hung in the air. The group, now fully assembled, exchanged glances.

"You what?" Gon's eyes widened.

"You won't believe what happened down there," I began, my voice carrying a mix of urgency and amazement. "I followed a lost child who led me into a trap. Then this terminator-like android started chasing me. I thought I was done for, but then a mysterious hooded figure showed up and saved me just in time."

The group exchanged glances, and I could sense a shift in their demeanor as they absorbed the gravity of the situation.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it happened," I continued, my eyes meeting each of theirs.

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