CHAPTER 11 -York New-

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Third person POV

The vibrant city of York New sprawled out before Gon, Killua, Alluka, and Ringo as they arrived, a bustling metropolis teeming with life and energy. The towering skyscrapers reached toward the sky, their glass facades reflecting the dynamic pulse of the urban landscape. The streets below were a kaleidoscope of colors, filled with the constant movement of people, vehicles, and the hum of city life.

Having just stepped off the train, the quartet took a moment to absorb the lively atmosphere around them. Ringo's eyes sparkled with excitement, taking in the sights and sounds of a city that was new to her.

However, Killua couldn't help but notice that Ringo looked a bit out of place in her borrowed clothes from Aunt Mito. It was clear that a shopping spree was in order to give Ringo a proper makeover and blend in with the fashionable crowd of York New.

With a mischievous grin, Killua turned to Alluka and said, "Hey Alluka, what do you say we give Ringo a little makeover? Aunt Mito's clothes aren't exactly Yorknew fashion."

"Yeah, it's going to be fun! Come on, Ringo nee-chan!" Alluka grabbed Ringo by the hand dragging her to a nearby shopping mall.

"Wait-- What? Hey, what's this all about?"

As Alluka eagerly led Ringo into the vibrant shopping mall, the bustling atmosphere enveloped them in a whirlwind of colors and excitement. The shops displayed an array of fashionable garments and accessories, enticing the duo to explore every corner. Ringo's eyes widened at the sight of the latest trends, and Alluka couldn't hide her excitement, pulling Ringo from one store to another.

Meanwhile, Killua observed the scene with a soft smile, his arms casually crossed. He noticed the genuine joy in Ringo's eyes and Alluka's enthusiasm, and a warmth crept into his demeanor. Gon, ever perceptive, couldn't help but notice the subtle change in his friend. Gon playfully nudged Killua's shoulder, a knowing grin on his face.

"Looks like Ringo is in good hands with Alluka," Gon remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Killua chuckled, his gaze never leaving the duo disappearing into the mall. "Yeah, she's in for a treat."

"You know, Killua... I think you're starting to accept it."

"Accept what?"

"That Ringo is Rin."

A somber atmosphere settled between them. Killua's normally quick-witted and sarcastic demeanor seemed to fade, replaced by a reflective silence. His gaze fixated on the ground, lost in his thoughts as he processed Gon's words.

"Whatever, Gon. I just don't want her to feel out of place."

Gon, recognizing the weight of the moment, wore a solemn expression. He could sense the internal struggle within Killua, the conflicting emotions that had been present since the revelation. With a gentle understanding, Gon tapped Killua on the shoulder.

"I'll head to the rendezvous point and wait for Kurapika and Leorio. I'll leave things here to you, Killua."

Killua nodded, appreciating Gon's understanding. "Sure thing. I got this. We'll meet up with you soon."


Killua POV

As I stood at a distance, observing Alluka and Ringo navigating the aisles of the bustling shopping mall, a sense of detachment enveloped me. Alluka's infectious enthusiasm was evident as she pulled out outfit after outfit, each one failing to meet the mark for Ringo. Despite the vibrant colors and trendy styles, none seemed to align with Ringo's essence.

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