Chapter 2

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January 3rd,

It's been an unsettling few days on the run since my last entry. I've been driving aimlessly down backroads and sleeping in rest stops, constantly looking over my shoulder. My paranoia is through the roof - every passing car could potentially be one of TechCon's agents sent to silence me for good.

I know I can't stay on the move like this indefinitely. I need to contact outside help if I want to have any chance of exposing the truth before they eliminate me as a threat. But who can I trust at this point? The media is too easily compromised, and going to law enforcement could just as easily lead TechCon straight to me.

The only option I can think of is reaching out to political allies who might be able and willing to protect a whistleblower. I vaguely remember Congressman John Turner grilling TechCon's CEO at a congressional hearing last year about privacy and transparency issues.

He struck me as someone genuinely concerned for civil liberties, not just another puppet for corporate lobbyists. It's a long shot, but I have to start somewhere. I locate his Washington DC office number and pray someone can arrange a secret meeting away from prying eyes and ears.

A few tense phone calls later, and it's agreed that Turner will meet me alone and after hours at a nondescript cafe across town. I spend the afternoon weaving through traffic, making random turns just in case I'm being tailed. By nightfall, I'm exhausted but I spot Congressman Turner's familiar face as he waits at a back table in the near-empty cafe.

"I have to say, your cryptic call had me very intrigued, and more than a little concerned for your safety," Turner says grimly as we shake hands. "Now tell me, what exactly has you so spooked that you're living like a fugitive?"

Over the next few hours, I lay it all out for him - my work at TechCon, the discoveries I made about weaponizing AI, my attempts to blow the whistle and the retaliation I've faced since going rogue with damning evidence. Turner listens intently, growing more disturbed by the minute based on his reactions.

"If even a fraction of what you're telling me is true, this is an enormous breach of public trust. And a serious national security issue to have this kind of capability developed with no safeguards or accountability," he says gravely once I've finished. "I need to review your documentation as soon as possible to validate your claims."

I hesitate momentarily, still fearing this could all be an elaborate trap. But what other choice do I have at this point? I push a thumb drive across the table containing a small portion of what I've compiled so far, enough to demonstrate the severity without compromising sources.

"Please protect that information and yourself as well. These people clearly have no issue using extralegal force to cover their tracks if needed," I warn.

Turner nods solemnly. "I'll take the proper precautions. And you have my word - I'll do everything in my power as a member of Congress to see justice is served and the truth gets out. Now you'd better disappear before anyone notices our meeting. Be safe out there."

With that, we go our separate ways into the dark night, him back to the Capitol and me disappearing into the winding streets. I pray this gamble pays off and Turner can be trusted as an ally. The future of autonomous technology, and potentially my own life, may now rest in his hands...

To be continued in the next entry. This crusade has only just begun, and powerful forces continue working against us from the shadows. But taking down a threat of this scale will require allies on the inside like Turner. The truth must come out, no matter the cost. This is too important to let fear silence me now.

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