Chapter 3

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January 7th,

It's been a few tense days since my meeting with Congressman Turner. I've been constantly on the move, barely sleeping as I wait for word from him about next steps. The constant evasive driving is taking its toll both physically and mentally.

I feel like a cornered animal just trying to survive another day. Every creak of my car or rustle in the woods has me jumping at shadows. TechCon has shown they're willing to use any means necessary to bury the truth - I can only imagine the forces they've unleashed to find me by now.

Last night, my paranoia must have reached a fever pitch. As dusk fell, I thought I heard noises outside the car where I'd pulled over to rest. I saw shadows moving in the trees, a dark shape seeming to approach. My fight or flight instinct took over and I slammed the car in drive, speeding recklessly down the dirt road.

Only later did I realize it was probably just a deer or fox passing by. But the lack of sleep and constant stress is clearly starting to get to me. I can't keep up like this indefinitely. I need real help and fast, before I lose my fragile grip on sanity as well as my life.

Mercifully, salvation came this morning in the form of a burner phone ringing in my bag. An unknown number flashed on the cheap prepaid display, and my heart leapt into my throat as I answered with a shaky "Hello?"

"It's Congressman Turner. I've reviewed the documents you provided," came his hushed voice on the other end of the line. "Suffice to say I'm even more alarmed than I let on at our meeting. This is an issue that demands further investigation and exposure at the highest levels."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. At least Turner was still in my corner so far. "Does that mean you're willing to help protect me as a whistleblower source?" I asked hesitantly.

"Absolutely. I have a safehouse in mind we can relocate you to immediately for protection. Meet me at these coordinates in two hours and come alone. I'll have a car pick you up and take you the rest of the way in case you're being tailed." He rattled off an address in rural Virginia and hung up.

I arrived at the designated spot right on time, nerves still frayed. But sure enough, a nondescript black SUV pulled up moments later. Two large men in suits stepped out, regarding me warily. "Get in. We'll take you to the congressman," the driver said gruffly.

We drove in tense silence for over an hour, taking winding back roads to throw off any potential pursuit. I saw no tail vehicles, but couldn't relax until we pulled up to an isolated farmhouse and I spotted Turner's familiar face waiting anxiously by the door.

"Welcome, you're safe here for now. These men will be providing security until the situation is resolved," he said, introducing the agents as Fowler and Roberts from his protective detail.

They gave the perimeter a sweep as Turner showed me to a modest bedroom. "Rest up. We have important plans to make but that can wait until you've recovered your strength." I thanked him profusely before collapsing onto the soft bed, more grateful than ever to have found an ally in this fight.

When I woke later, the smell of cooking food drew me downstairs. Turner and the agents were sitting at the kitchen table poring over files and notes. "Glad you're up. There's more coffee and we've come up with an initial strategy," Turner said, pouring me a mug.

To be continued...

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