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"Man wheres Kailani? I could really use her cooking right now." Johnson groaned from the kitchen. I really didn't want to talk about her at all right now. For some reason, my girlfriend just bored me now. I mean I love her to death, I always will but maybe after three years it's time to switch it up.

"JJ get your butt over here. We're gonna have real talk right now." I called Johnson from the kitchen, if there was anyone I could talk to about this it was definitely JJ.

"Sup man?" He asked, plopping himself on the couch. He unlocked his phone and laid down.

"Dude.... I think I wanna break up with Lani."

That made him shoot up from his comfortable position real quick.

"What?! Wait, why?"

"I don't know dude. I'm just not... not feeling it anymore. You know?"

"No I don't know," It sounded like he wasn't too sure about the subject either. "You've been with her since like.. forever G. I thought you were gonna end up marrying her. What's this about?"

I didn't want to tell him, I didn't want to tell anyone but I knew that if I wanted him to understand I would have to tell him the full truth.

"Dude do you remember Vanessa from like grade seven? About 5'3, blonde hair. Hazel eyes, remember her?"

"Oh god..." I heard him mumble before nodding his head. He probably already knew what I was about to say.

"Well, last night I went out for a bit while you went to Sammy's. I ended up running into her. We went back to her house. To chill ya know? Catch up. We um... ended up making out a bit. And like.... cuddling. I don't know man. I just know I felt something with her that I haven't felt with Kailani in a long time."

It was true, being with Vanessa was like a breath of fresh air. Johnson didn't seem to agree.

"I mean, man I support you in everything and if this is what you want.... go for it I guess. But I just don't.. I don't see you being able to go without Lani for that long." He shrugged his shoulders and walked away, ending the conversation.

I new Jack had a soft spot for Lani. She was like his little sister and I knew that he wouldn't agree but I can't help what I feel.


"Oh my God! Jack! Don't say that!" Nessa laughed. I smiled at her and grabbed her thighs, pulling her closer so she could wrap her legs around my waist.

After I had had the talk with Johnson, I asked Vanessa to come over so they could meet each other. He wasn't up for it at all and just left without saying anything to her.

Now, Nessa was sitting on the island in the kitchen, we were both just joking around a little about our gym coach in high school.

Then suddenly, she wrapped her arms around my neck loosely, and kissed me. I smiled and moved my lips with hers. She tasted like strawberries.

I felt a little guilty doing this while I was still dating Lani, I promised myself that after last night there would be no more cheating. I'm not a cheater. But Vanessa was too tempting.

She paused a minute, smiling, she bit my bottom lip. "Why don't we take this to the bedroom." She giggled.

I was about to say no, the thought of sleeping with another girl in the same bed that I slept in with Kailani made me feel uneasy, but the sound of the front door opening halted me.

I gave Nessa one last kiss, thinking it was Johnson.

But when I turned around, it was Lani.

{suppp(: how are yall? Do you guys like Jacks POV or Lanis POV better? thanks for reading❤hope you like this chapter! vote/comment pleaseee, feedback is awesome! Bye guys😘}

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