hange offered

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Section 33 mission control room with gyro gearloose and mighty Thor 2.0 talking to eld gin, rusty shackleford, and drilbur.

"Hey gyro."

They turn around to Zoe hange from aot universe enter the room wearing basketball jersey, long demin shorts, and sneakers. As gearloose said to her in kindness, "greetings Ms. Hange, how can I help you today." Zoe replied while scratch back of her head with nervous grin, "well you see, me and pieck being thinking in several weeks to started a family."

Mighty Thor 2.0: "huzzah my fellow friend, thou proud of you two started a family to adopted a child."

Eld: "are you and pieck adopted girl or boy at orphanage in liberio."

Rusty: "yeah."

Zoe: "no."

She started blushed hard like a tomato to point her finger at her womanhood to hint the group got shocking expression on their faces make drilbur pass out to collapse on the floor and gyro said to her in calming, "you want 'you know what' to have a baby with pieck finger at the House in Liberio liberty City on Marley island." Zoe replied, "yeah."

Gyro: "don't say more, I got new invention at my lab for you having " You know what!" For five hours to faded away after that."

Zoe: "excellent, thank you gyro."

Gyro: "you're welcome my dear."

Mighty Thor 2.0: "did the father of pieck finger agree with you two for having a baby, my one eyed friend."

Zoe: "yup, he will be happy going to be grandfather."

Rusty: "great I guess."

Eld: "you said it rusty."

Zoe: "did Reiner arrived at blueberry academy yet?

Mighty Thor 2.0: "Around at 9:15 am, our blonded friend will be happy to make new friends and pokemon over there when he arrived."

Rusty: "you said it carmine."

[New chapter is out for today]

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