debut of tera iron moon

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Adventure time universe two: Fionna and cake edition

On Wednesday September 15th, unknown era in land of ooo at 11:15 am: candy kingdom

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On Wednesday September 15th, unknown era in land of ooo at 11:15 am: candy kingdom

Left side of candy kingdom with prince gumball & butterscotch bulter talking to two candy citizens for a moment they stop talking to hear strange robotic sound by a robot animal in front of them at eleven feet away when they face towards in shocked to see glimmering robotic bear standing there.

A portal show up behind them at five feet away begun open up to reveal section 32 northeast corridor with yuji itadori in section 32 jumpsuit got dark red stripes and pokebelt around beltloop, meta knight, the flash, danger garchomp, and maria hil...

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A portal show up behind them at five feet away begun open up to reveal section 32 northeast corridor with yuji itadori in section 32 jumpsuit got dark red stripes and pokebelt around beltloop, meta knight, the flash, danger garchomp, and maria hill come out from the portal to outside with them in shock to see bloodmoon ursaluna got future paradox form from area zero in Pokemon original universe for first time.

Maria: "no way! Bloodmoon ursaluna got future paradox form from area zero."

Danger garchomp: "you said it maria, let tell captain sharp and the others about it."

Yuji: "after I captured it after we defeat it."

Maria: "you got it kiddo."

Meta knight: "good thinking my friend."

It summoned terastal crystal rose up from ground begun absorb it in couple of seconds and broke into pieces to reveal terastallzied iron moon with ghost type tera shard crown on top of it head, that cue for yuji pull out pokeball begun throw it in the air to call out his Pokemon, "come out, mamoswine!" He released from his pokeball to outside facing against terastallzied iron moon when yuji call out the attack, "high horsepower!" He charging straight toward terastallzied iron moon in full speed when it use scary face vision of Itself to scared mamoswine to lower it speed state and stop charging.

Prince gumball: "glob it! it scared mamoswine to cancel his attack."

The flash: "not for long."

He went superhuman speed towards terastallzied iron moon around it delivered barrage of punches is super effective and medium halfway critical damage then went back to the group and yuji call out another attack, "hyper beam!" He open his mouth to fired hyper beam straight towards terastallzied iron moon with direct hit caused medium size explosion that candy citizens hear it from miles away in candy kingdom when dust cloud fade away to reveal normal iron moon got own with one knee became damage from hyper beam and now for yuji pull out heavy ball in hand begun throwing towards iron moon quick and captured to went inside ball whom falling down on the ground gently and locked it up that surprise yuji captured his future paradox pokemon first time and shoutout of excitement, "I DID IT! I CAPTURED BLOODMOON URSALUNA FUTURE PARADOX FORM."

Danger garchomp: "congratulations dude you got it."

Prince gumball: "indeed."

Maria: "let show captain sharp and the others at section 32 right now."

Meta knight: "good thinking ms. Hill."

[New chapter is out for today]

Reiner naranja academy vol. 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora