Ch. 11: Trust Is A Hard-earned Virtue

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I was still standing in the aisle where I had the conversation with that idol. When she got to the exit, the person tailing us began to move in her direction. After she was out of the market, the individual was now in front of Marina, seemingly talking to her, until the next moment, they seemed to argue.

If I put two and two together, it's more likely that the boy is the stalker she mentioned. I began to make my way to the exit, and I was now close enough to hear that they were both starting to raise the tones in their voices until the boy grabbed her arm.

(It was difficult to ignore this situation after she told me her story. I said I wouldn't get involved.)

I was now closing on the two. They were still in the same position, but I now heard parts of the conversations.

Marina: I said, let go already!

???: And I asked who that person you walked with was. Is he your secret boyfriend or what?

Marina: That has nothing to do with you!

???: You!

He was about to raise his hand before I grabbed his shoulder, which seemed to get his attention as he turned his head, his expression going from surprise to a frown.

???: It's you!

(Y/N): How about we continue this talk there?

I pointed my thumb behind me to one of the dimly lit alleys, and he seemed to like the idea as a smile appeared. He let go of Marina's arm. She was silent and looked in my direction. I couldn't gather what she was thinking at that moment, but it was not significant.

We made our way to the alley several feet from each other.

(Y/N): I will say this as a warning: stay away from that girl.

???: I knew it. You two were in a relationship!

(Y/N): I don't care what you think. Keep your distance.

???: Do you think I let this go? Marina was destined for me.

(Y/N): And again, I do not care.

This seemed to anger him, and he started charging at me. With enough time to react, he threw a punch in my way, which I caught, and then threw my arm around his neck, holding him in a chokehold.

(Y/N): This is the final warning: one more stunt and this ends.

As I tightened my choke a little, I let him go, and he stumbled a few steps away from me. I waited for a response.

???: Tsk...

The next moment, he pulled out a weapon, a Splattershot, to be precise. I was half expecting it, but I was too close to get out of the way in the few seconds I had, so I decided to activate my curse. The shot hit me at the back of my head, which seemed to please him. His face turned to surprise and then to fear as he noticed that his attack had no effect. 

 Out of fear, he dropped his splattershot and took small steps back until he fell on the ground, still looking in my direction. Multiple thoughts rang out in my mind.

(If I eliminate him now, then the problem would disappear.)

I walked over to the weapon on the ground, with him remaining in the same position.

???: N-now hang on a minute...

???: W-why weren't you...

???: But it was a d-direct hit...

???: W-what are you?

(Y/N): You were ready to end me. Do you want to tell me you weren't expecting the same for yourself?

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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