Chapter 32

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Sana's heart felt light and while she didn't tell Rhyel everything about her life before she came to Darcanos, she was glad she finally told him she was raised as a servant. It was a start and the fact that he didn't balk at her admission filled her with such joy.

I'm proud of you, little flame.

Sune pressed his head against her neck.

Telling Rhyel about your upbringing was a big step for you.

"Thank you, Sune," she said, smiling as she knocked on Loic's door. "Now there's something else I'd like to do."

"My Lady," Loic said, bowing as he opened the door. "Come in. Come in. I didn't expect to see you today. I thought you were with Lord Rhyel."

"I was, but he had some business he needed to attend to with Zena," she said, walking into his office that was bustling with seamstresses working diligently on suits and dresses. "I...I have a favor to ask of you, but I hope I won't be interrupting your work."

"No, of course not. You're always welcome here. Let me take your cloak, my Lady," he said, helping her shrug off her thick furline cape. "Now, what favor do you need from me?"

"Well," she said, curling her fingers around her dragon's breath as she sat in the chair in front of Loic's desk. "I want to give something to Rhyel thank him for his kindness and for giving me this necklace. I want to make him something and I thought you might be able to help me."

"Oh, that's a wonderful idea. I'm sure Lord Rhyel would be honored to receive a gift from you and I'm more than happy to help you make something," Loic said, beaming as he leaned over his desk and clasped his hands together. "What do you have in mind?"

"I'm...I'm not sure," she said, biting her lip. "I want to make something he'll want to wear or keep with him like my necklace."

"I see," Loic murmured and his brown eyes lit up. "I know just the thing, but it will require a trip to the city as I don't have all the materials you'll need."

"That's fine. I'm happy to go into the city, but what do you have in mind?"

"I think it would be wonderful if you made Lord Rhyel a warrior's charm. It's an old Darcanos tradition for warriors to wear leather and gems plaited together into a bracelet to keep them safe in battle and on their travels," he said, tugging a book from beneath the pile of fabric on his desk and opening to a page of pictures of different intricately woven bracelet designs. "The tradition died out with the young warriors these days, but Lord Rhyel will understand the meaning of it."

"Those look lovely," Sana said, looking at Sune perched on her shoulder. "What do you think?"

I think Lord Rhyel would be a fool not to love anything you make for him.

Sana nodded. "I'd like to make one of these for him, but I'm not sure my skills are good enough to make something as extravagant as those."

"Not to worry, my Lady. I'll help you and I'm sure Jezel will have all the items we need in her shop," he said, closing the book. "Would you like to go get the supplies today and get started?"

"Yes, I would as... as long as you're free to come with me?"

"Of course, just give me a few ticks to have a word with the seamstresses and arrange a carriage for us."

"That's fine," Sana said, standing as she took her cloak from the back of her chair. "I'll go tell Rhyel we're going out and see if Zena or Eula and Kezi want to come with us."

"That sounds like a good idea," Loic said, walking her to the door. "I'll meet you in the foyer when you're ready."

"Thank you, Loic." Sana nodded as he opened the door for her. She stepped out in the hall with a smile on her face as she walked through the halls to Rhyel's office.

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