She meets Keira's eyes yet again, the younger of the two shaking her head vividly as to signal that you couldn't go to practice under any circumstances. Sighing, Lucy picks up her phone in order to send a quick text to the coach, informing him of their absence.

The bed dips one more time as Lucy settles in beside her kid and girlfriend, bringing her hand up to rub at your back slowly.

"Has she seemed off to you the last few days?" Keira questions quietly, the whisper meeting Lucy's ears softly and she instinctively smiles at the accented voice.

"No, not outside of being excited for the season to start. Oh...I just remembered, she's been more clingy than usual with everyone, not just us." Lucy whispers back before pressing a quick kiss to your warm temple.

Keira's finger trails down as she starts to trace your features, the cold hand a contrast to your hot skin. You break out in a coughing fit soon after, a big ball of mucus escaping your throat before disappearing back down again.

The two women look at each other yet again, communicating through their eyes as you seem somewhat delirious. Picking your head up off Keira's shoulder, the women watch on as your eyes flit around the room before seemingly taking notice of the clock sitting on the nightstand.

Your eyes widen for a second before you're springing up off the bed in a hurry, ignoring the sudden dizziness you start to wrangle with your sleepshirt. You hear laughter coming from the direction of your bed and you slowly lower the shirt back down.

"What are you laughing at? We're super late! Why'd you not wake me?! Oh I'm gonna have to run so many laps." You exclaim loudly through a croaky voice, almost sounding like you have a frog sitting in your sternum.

"Y/n, you're sick. We called out of training, there's nothing to worry about." Lucy explains softly, like you would explain to a toddler that they can't get a toy.

"Wha-what? 'm not sick, where did you get that fro-" Your protest is cut off by yet another coughing fit, contradicting your words as they look at you with a 'really?' look. Tears gather in your eyes when you start to cough again, the exasperation of the action draining you.

Lucy gets up from the bed to sling her arm around your midsection, leading you back to where Keira sat with open arms. As you lay back onto the bed, Keira and Lucy entrap you in a human sandwich, the two laying on either side of you.

And that's how sleep once again overtakes your body, the sounds of quiet snores floating around the room.


"Y/n, wake up. It's time for lunch." Lucy's the one to wake you this time, the woman slapping your cheek softly as a way to wake you up.

All she gets in response is unintelligible mumbling before you sit up abruptly and frankly, throw yourself off the bed and onto the floor. The resulting thud makes Lucy hold back laughter, but she can't hold it in anymore as instead of getting up and walking you army crawl all the way to the door. It's frankly a hilarious sight to be seen, the little grunts you let out as the hardwood floor comes in contact with your elbows and knees.

In reality, it would probably be much easier for Lucy to bring your lunch to you, but she, like usual didn't think that far. She also liked watching you struggle like a fish out of water against the floor.

When she finally decided to take pity on you, you'd already crawled halfway across the room, whispering a firm 'yes sir' every now and then.

Lucy's hands hook under your armpits as she hoists you up to your feet, your dead weight no easy feat to move even for the strong defender. It was like slinging a dead body over her shoulders when Lucy finally managed to get your limp body up, you could barely stand on two feet let alone walk all the way down to the kitchen.

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