Nesta‐Swordsman Ship

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Pairing: Nesta x Reader
Summary: When Nesta's ignorance towards you increases so much the you have to challenge her to talk to her.
Warnings: fighting with swords. Not much really.
A/N: Trying to write things I've never thought of writing before. Plzzz tell me your thoughts on this one because I'm really proud of this one and wanna hear your thoughts on it as well.


You were twelve when you first met Nesta.

Hiding behind a tree, she was watching you with big intrigued eyes. Watching your every moments as you skillfully moved your wooden sword. You noticed her in mids of trying a new move your father taught you.

She was confused, seeing a girl with a sword for the first time. Her father always said that fighting of any kind was for boys. He was always a bit narrow mind in his beliefs of what boys and girls should do.

When you beckoned her to you, she had hesitantly obeyed. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Swordplay." You answered with a tone. Your sassy teenageself was surprised to see confusion in the girl's brown eyes.

"Are you a swordsman?"

"Well not yet obviously," You rolling your eyes. "But father says I'm getting better. One day, I'm going to be the best swordsman ever seen!" Your bight grin and had encouraged a small smile in Nesta's face as well.

"Will you teach me as well?" Nesta's voice unvering as she asks. She wants to learn too. And if her father wasn't going to listen to her then she'd find her own way.

Your grin widened into a smirk. "You think you can handle it?"

Nesta's confident smirk was well of an answer.

The both of you met every week after that. In the same garden, at the same time. Both, telling your father's that you were going to play, not a lie but not entire truth either, just not say play with what.

The two of you became quick friends, having meeting so frequently, you two become so close, you were inseparable. Your families disapproved of the other, being so different in their system but you didn't care. The two of were stubborn, having similar traits for getting what you want, no matter the cost.

When Nesta's family ran poor, none of her other friends cared. All of them turned their backs to her, not caring about her. But not you, no, you stayed. You stayed and helped them all as much as you could.

You brought them little money from your allowance without you parents noticing, went food hunting with feyre when you could. You treated her like a little sister, still do but now she's all grown up. A woman through and through. You sometimes did the chores that were given to Nesta which she never did, you or Feyre ended up doing them.

You have to admit you were very disappointed in Nesta in that particular time. Who sends her fourteen year old sister to hunt in the forest for food. You knew Nesta was, ashamed of herself for not doing anything but was too arrogant to admit it.

You had let go of everything that time, you were damned if you let it go this time too.

The night Hybern soldiers came to kidnap the Archeron sisters, you were their too. Your parents out of town, so you thought it would be alright to spend the night there, oh how wrong you were. They took the sisters and you, knowing you weren't the one they wanted but took you anyway because leaving you here meant the humans finding out about them and only other option was killing you, they thought their king would be the one to decide wether or not you seemed important enough to live.

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