Azriel-Burnt Pie

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Pairing: Morden!Azriel x Reader
Warning: Slight angst. Fluff.
Summary: When you come home to find out your husband tried to bake something but it goes terribly wrong.


The first thing I smell when I enter our house is burning smell. I frown and look around in search to find the source Andy husband.

"Azriel!" I yell while taking off my shoes and cot. Hearing a sudden shout, that sounded alot like him, I speed walk to the kitchen to find a disaster.

I gasp at smoke relaesing from the over that has covered our whole kitchen with black smoke, making it impossible for me to see anything. I quickly open the kitchen when and door wider to lit it out.

I see azriel bunched over the sink and run to him. ''What happened here?!'' I take a sharp breath when I notice his hand under the water with a large burn.

''Don't worry, love, it's Alright.'' He tries consul him. ''Yeah right. You probably don't feel the burn can you?'' I scoff.

We stay silent for minute when I turn off the oven, take out whatever it was in it that turned into a black rook, and put it outside while Azriel continues trying to soften the burn.

I quietly turn off the not, taking his other hand and guide him to the bathroom. ''Sit.'' I gesture to the toilet sit and take out the emergency kit. I gently take his hand after grabbing a cloth and dab carefully around the burn. ''Explain.''

He clears his throat and speaks. ''I was trying to make a pie.'' I raised an eyebrow at him to elaborate and squeezed some burn cream in a cotton ball. ''I got a promotion today.'' My eyes snapped to eyes in surprise as a smile grows on my face. ''Honey, that's great. Congratulations.'' He nods and I continue applying the cream.

''Thanks. It is great, that's why I thought maybe I'll bake a pie and surprise you and we'll celebrate together. But we know how that turned out.'' He head drops and I put the cotton aside. ''Oh, Az, it's alright. I'm not upset and anything.''

''You're not?'' He looks at me.

''No of course not. Why would I be? You wanted to do something nice for us and you tried. Just because you failed once doesn't we can't try again. And I'm really happy that you wanted celebrate you achievement with me.'' I kiss his cheek.

''I love you.'' He smiles.

''I love you too. Now let's patch you up and we'll try to bake that cake again. Ok?"

"Ok." He wraps his other hand around my waist and kisses my forehead. I chuckle and wrap gauze on his injury.

Later that night we did celebrate, wrapped up in a blanket together while eating our freshly baked pie and watching our favorite movie.

Some times you just have to try again.

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