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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: cuddles for the exhausted bat.
A/N: I also want someone to cuddle with Hope you like this!


The door slams open and Az stumbles in, closing it behind him. Laying on the couch on my back; I look up from my book and smile. "Hello, Love."

He visibly relaxes, his shoulders sagging and he smiles back. I put my book aside and open my arms in an invitation. He crosses the room in an instant while taking his leathers of, leaving him in only his pants and shirt. He drops the leathers on the ground without any care and slumps down on me.

I let out a small grunt from his weight and giggle. He moves himself to get comfortable and settles down on me. Our legs tangled with each other, he hugs my waist and rests his head on my chest, exactly on my heart. Only when he stops moving, I wrap an arm around his back, careful of his wings and put the other behind his head, gripping his silky hair and massaging with my fingers. He sighs in content.

"I'm guessing your day didn't go well?" I question.

"No." He doesn't explain and I don't ask him to. "Talk to me. Tell me about your day." He whispers.

So I do. I tell him about the book I finished this morning. And that I went shopping with Mor for new clothes and then again with nesta to buy books. Then I went to the River house and babysit nyx for few hours because his parents had some plans. I tell him that he crawled today, and when I told his parents they said he'd already done it before.

"I mean, I was actually shocked. It still feels like his birth was just a few days ago but he's already crawling. I have no idea where the time went." I laugh and glance at him to find he's alseep. His breath even and eyes closed with lips apart slightly. I smile, admiring his relaxed face. He's so adorable and beautiful, I want to cry.

I kiss his forehead softly and close my eyes, sleeping intertwined with my mate and wondering, how in the world I got so lucky.


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