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tw: violence

most of the time i make brett be such a douche, love him otherwise tho, sometimes🤣

also i would do anything for protective Theo like he's top tier. i want him to beat the shit out of gabe and brett so bad😫🤭 i like making him violent cuz he would be if someone's gonna hurt his lil boy like nahhh

Theo is at Liam's lacrosse game. He's been going to them recently, ever since him and Liam started hanging out more. Mason was beside him, there for Corey. He doesn't mind going to Liam's games, he'd do anything for the younger boy. There's just one thing that really pisses him off whenever he's here. Brett.

He would catch Brett trying to annoy Liam on the field and it took every ounce of Theo's self control not to go down there and slap the smug look off Brett's face. Mason would also grab his arm whenever he was about to get up, giving Theo a warning look. He knows from experience.Theo would just clench his fists and sit back down, trying his best to remain as calm as possible.

He'd continue to glare at Brett from afar, clenching his jaw whenever he'd push Liam down or shove him. He'd even find himself growling lowly under his breath. If looks could kill, Brett would one million percent be dead.

It was after the game and Theo was waiting for Liam to come out of the locker room. He always picked the younger boy up after lacrosse. Liam was taking longer than usual which made Theo nervous. He decided to go look for him.

He made his way to the locker room, trying to be as quick as possible. He had a bad feeling. Theo furrows his eyebrows, what was taking Liam so long? He opened the door and what was happening made him see red.

Liam was in the corner of the shower, now in his normal clothes. He was curled in a ball on the ground, covering his face. Liam was shaking crying, begging Brett to stop. The taller boy was just standing above, taunting Liam while laughing and kicking him roughly.
Theo growls darkly, lunging at Brett and slamming him against the wall. Theo punches him over and over again.

Liam panicky stands up, clutching his side. He rushes towards him. "Theo! Theo, stop!" Theo just growls and continues to leave punch after punch until Brett is coughing up blood. Liam starts crying more, begging Theo to stop. "T-Theo, please, listen to me. Stop!" Liam's pleading and broken voice seems to snap Theo out of his angry trance. He turns slowly to look at Liam who is staring at him with tears rolling down his cheeks, his bottom lip bleeding slightly.

Theo drops Brett and rushes towards Liam, cradling his face, searching him over for any other wounds. "Are you okay? What did he do to you? I'm gonna fucking kill him. What hurts?" Liam looks up at him with sad eyes, "Theo, I'm fine, I just wanna go home."

Theo shakes his head and runs his finger over Liam's bottom lip, making the younger boy wince. Brett groans behind them. Theo is about to go for him again until Liam grabs his arm and gives him a pleading look. Theo turns to look at Brett in disgust, "Get the fuck out of here before I make your face unrecognisable." Theo warns him in a venomous tone. Brett just scoffs and walks out, clutching his nose.

Theo turns back to Liam and looks down at him. He goes to lift up Liam's shirt but the smaller boy shakes his head quickly. Theo sighs and grabs his hand, squeezing it gently, "Baby, let me see." The nickname slips out without Theo even realising. It makes Liam's heart flutter and he nods slowly. Theo lifts his t-shirt and his heart breaks at the amount of bruises, old and new.

He turns to look at Liam whose eyes are watering. Theo pulls Liam into his arms and holds him, letting him cry. "It's okay, sweetheart. I got you. I'm here." Theo kisses the top of Liam's head, rubbing his fingers through his long hair.
Eventually Liam's cry's turn into small sniffles and Theo pulls back to look at him.

Theo cups Liam's face, stroking his cheek gently, looking him right in the eye. "I will never let anyone hurt you again. I'm gonna make sure of that. I promise, baby. You're my main priority, always." He wipes Liam's tears and presses a loving kiss to his forehead. 
Theo turns around and crouches down so Liam can get on his back. Liam rests his head on Theo's shoulder. He waits to make sure the small boy is secure then grips Liam's thighs and walks to his car.

He carefully sets Liam in the passenger seat, buckling him in. Theo is about to get into the drivers seat when Liam grabs his hand stopping him. "T-Theo... please don't leave me." Liam looks at him with watery eyes, his bottom lip sticking out slightly. He looks absolutely adorable, Theo thinks. It makes his heart clench. He chuckes sadly, crouching down so he's eye to eye with Liam. "I'm not leaving you baby, just getting in the car, I'll be right beside you in 2 seconds, I promise." Theo wipes Liam's tears, squeezing his hand reassuringly before shutting the door.

Theo hurries to get in the car. He realised Liam clearly thinks Theo's gonna leave him, which he would never. When he's inside he rests his hand on Liam's thigh for comfort, squeezing it gently. Liam immediately grabs Theo's hand and holds it tightly, bringing it up to his face so Theo can stroke it, to which he happily complies. Liam leans into it, sighing happily. His eyelids start to fall shut from the comfort of Theo's hand brushing softly against his face. Liam's clearly exhausted after the day he's just had.

Theo's hand falls from his face but Liam doesn't let go of his tight grip. Theo just instead strokes the back of Liam's hand. Theo smiles softly at the precious boy beside him. All he deserves is love and kindness and Theo is gonna make sure he has it. He will never let anyone hurt Liam again.

Published: 17th of February
Words: 1060

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