💙💜❤️🧡 You Meet: Donatello

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💜🐢~Smooth Donatello:

The clock reads 10:53 p.m. as I gaze out of the windows of a skyscraper in Manhattan, New York. I've been working at a desk for countless hours, doing the hardest job possible—staying awake.

I let my hair fall to the sides to cover my face and slowly, I close my eyes. Thoughts begin to creep to the surface. How come Tobias and Emily get to work on the virus research but I don't? It makes no sense. I work just as hard as them but for some reason, my boss is making me sit at a desk and fill out random documents by hand daily. Fortunately enough, I get off at 11:00.

Knowing this, I scoot the wheeled chair further behind me as I stand up. Gathering everything I need, including the rest of the paperwork my boss gave me, I begin stuffing it inside my school bag.

He said if I don't finish them before tomorrow evening, he'll kill me. And while I know he won't actually kill me, I still often find myself believing he will, especially with the amount of aggression that always seems to radiate off of him when he's around me. And it's only when he's around me. He's nice to everyone else, well...partially rude to Emily but I'd rather have her spot any day over mine 'cause he absolutely hates me, hence why I'm still on desk work. I'm starting to think he's still holding a grudge over that coffee incident.

I shoulder my bag, carrying the already finished documents in my hand, as I walk towards the checkout area. The lighting on this floor is way too bright and my eyes are tired from staring at paperwork for hours. I lift a hand to rub lazily at my eyes as I step toward the sign out sheet hanging against the wall. As I near it, I notice Tobias and Emily packing up to leave as well. Emily looks over and gives a little wave, concern flashing across her face as she takes in my exhausted appearance.

"Long night?" She asks, standing only a few feet away from me now. I nod, handing the completed forms to the assistant manager and grabbing a pen as I write the time in the 'Sign Out Time' section—11:00.

Tobias claps a hand on my shoulder, and says as if he can read my mind, "Don't worry. One day, you'll be working in the lab too."

My frown deepens. "That's the thing though...I should already be working in the lab with y'all. I know I'm capable...just wish our boss did too."

"Have you tried talking to him about it?" Emily asks, now signing the sheet under her name.

"Well, of course. However, I'm beginning to feel as though he doesn't like me," I reply.

"Whaaat? That's crazy talk. You're a very likable person, Y/N," Tobias says, signing off the sheet as well. "He'll come around."

"And? If he doesn't?" I ask.

"Then, he doesn't deserve a worker like you then, now does he?" Emily replies.

I cross my arms against my chest as I stare at the white, tiled floor. Emily steps closer, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "C'mon girl, cheer up. You can try again tomorrow," she said hopefully.

Tobias nods in agreement. "Yeah, we'll even help."

"Thanks guys...but honestly, I don't think he'll change his mind." I walk to the elevator and press the button. Waiting for the door to open, Emily and Tobias both stand behind me.

"Not with that attitude—he won't..." Tobias remarks just before the door opens and we all three walk in, subsequently pushing the button to go down to the first floor.

"You guys know him...he's stubborn. He's not gonna give me a promotion simply because I ask him to," I reason.

"You're right..." Tobias agrees. "So what're you gonna do about it?"

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