It's only now do I notice the man behind her, tall much like myself with blondish hair. I wonder if this was blondie? "Vacation did you well girl, you look so gorgeous tonight!" Anissa says, she was pretty but looked dull next to y/n. "Oh stop, you look gorgeous. I love the dress, and thanks again for taking care of things for me while I was gone" I lick my lips as I watch y/n turn back towards me and take a seat "oh y/n this is Jungkook he's my instructor the one I was telling you about" Namjoon interrupts, I smile as she eyes me once more. Her eyes are sparkling with curiosity as she extends that soft delicate hand my way "Nice to meet you sweets boy, I'm y/n" I chuckle and kiss the top of her hand "Jungkook, hope the brownie was good" I can feel all eyes on us and I know she can too but her cocky smirk stays on her lips and her amused eyes stay locked on my own "I've had better" I chuckle, amused, she softly chuckles too. My hunger for her has only heightened now, I knew she'd be a sassy minx. She just had this aura about her  that tells you she doesn't take shit from anyone and I loved that as a challenge.

"You two know each other?"

Beast asks "Not really, he gave me his brownie at the coffee shop by my house" "brownie as in an actual brownie or?" Y/n blushes and slaps the man she walked in with "Actual brownie you idiot, this is Tae by the way" I nod his way, he nods back but has a scowl on his face. Clearly he doesn't seem to like me and I didn't really fucking care. I sit back as he slips his arm around y/n's waist, I'd make him regret that.

"So are you single Jungkook?"

I lock eyes with the brunette that's sitting next to Namjoon, I think her name was Mari?  She's not my type to say the least but she's still cute. Shorter hair about to her shoulders with a thin face and injected lips, her eyes are pretty though a nice green color. "I am" I state as my eyes trickle back over to y/n, her brow is raised with a small smirk on her lips. "That's hard to believe" Anissa says making Mari chuckle "Yeah?" I chuckle, playing into their harmless flirt "nah I can see it, you're doing too much so I can see why you're single" Tae states, making smiles and beast lowly chuckle. He wasn't a bad looking guy honestly but I was clearly the better choice when it came to y/n. "Be nice guys this is my friend" Namjoon defends me but I put my hand up and sit back, spreading my legs a bit. I lowly chuckle when all three ladies eyes go to my crotch for a quick moment. "It's all in good fun right? I can take it"

I can see the approving look I get from y/n as she takes a sip of the drink smiles just passed out. "Speaking of fun, let's go dance" Namjoon says jumping up from his seat, he nearly knocks over the bottle of the table to Tae is quick to grab it as Namjoon grabs onto Mari and leads her to the dance floor with Anissa and smiles right behind them. "You up for a dance?" Tae mumbles to y/n "go without me I'll be there in a minute" he frowns, I know he doesn't want to leave her but when he catches the beasts eyes he finally gets up and joins the others. Y/n moves closer to the beast now as he lines up three shots "Come take a shot with us" I'm surprised at his offer but move over and take the glass from his hand "To new friends" beast says clinking his glass with mine and y/n's, she smirks my way before downing the drink, I do the same keeping my eyes on her. "You going to come dance with us?" I nod as her angelic voice fills my ears, this was my chance to touch her, get close to her and make her crave me like I crave her. "Lead the way beautiful" I see the eye roll from beast but ignore him as I follow only her hips.

The place had doubled in bodies at this point making it a bit tight in here but everyone was making do, dancing and swaying to the music. Some red head was grinding against me as I let my hands caress her sides. I could feel y/n's eyes on me which only widened my smirk, that's right princess keep watching what I can do and let your jealousy take over. The red head turns towards me and locks her arms around my next as her lips kiss my exposed chest, I look past her and lock eyes with y/n. She was dancing with Tae, letting her hips roll into his groin. I can see he was enjoying it a little too much, her hand reaches back and tangles in his hair as his lips go to her neck. My grip tights on the red heads ass making her giddy, I can see that y/n is challenging me. Trying to see how far I would go with this girl whose name I don't know. "Want to get out of here?" I look down at the lust filled woman and think about leaving with her, she'd do for the evening no doubt. I can tell she'd be good with her mouth but I didn't want to leave just yet I haven't made a big enough impression on y/n just yet.

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