chapter 9

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Thomas Shelby strolled through the narrow streets of Small Heath, the smoke from his cigarette swirling into the chilly air. Evara, strategically positioned, noticed him from a distance and approached with the confidence of someone who knew the art of timing.

"Mr. Shelby," she called out, her voice cutting through the ambient sounds of the neighborhood. He turned to face her, his piercing blue eyes locking onto hers..

Thomas turned, his gaze meeting hers with a mix of curiosity and familiarity. "Miss Evara," he acknowledged, nodding slightly in recognition. "What brings you to these streets?"

Evara fell into step beside him, matching his pace. "I wanted to discuss a matter of business with you, Mr. Shelby. A proposal, if you will."

He arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on."

"I've decided to enter the neighborhood elections in Sparkbrook," she declared, her eyes revealing a mixture of determination and ambition. "My opponent, Martha Dumstrang, is proving to be quite the obstacle. I need resources to ensure my victory."

Thomas took another drag from his cigarette, studying her carefully. "You want my help."

"again yes." 

Thomas listened intently, his expression unreadable. "Have faith," he offered calmly, his words carrying the weight of experience.

Evara shook her head, a hint of frustration in her tone. "Faith won't help me win... money will," she asserted, her determination unwavering.

Thomas's straightforward question caught her off guard. "How much?" he inquired, his gaze penetrating.

Evara felt a pang of offense and embarrassment at the blunt inquiry. Before she could respond, Thomas intervened with unexpected grace. "Think of it as a loan," he suggested, his voice softer now, seeking to ease her discomfort.

However, Evara's mind was already racing with a different proposition. "Can I ask you something else?" she interjected, her voice hesitant.

Tommy paused, his cigarette dangling between his fingers as he waited for her to continue.

"What if..." Evara began, her voice steady despite the weight of her question, "I handled your alcohol business in Sparkbrook?"

Thomas stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowed. Evara's proposal hung in the air, the streets of Small Heath suddenly filled with the possibility of a new partnership.

"Our customers consume alcohol and come to Sparkbrook," she began, outlining her vision. "What if they got the substance from the brothel itself? 'Buy alcohol if you want a woman.'"

Thomas remained silent, absorbing her idea. The weight of the proposal hung in the air until he finally spoke, his voice cutting through the ambient noise. "And make a woman sell alcohol?" he questioned with a force that resonated.

Evara's expression shifted, her confidence momentarily shaken. "I may have given up some land, but not my values," Tommy declared, a stern resolve in his eyes.

Evara stopped in her tracks, realizing the clash between her intentions and the uncompromising values of the man before her. "I know this is wrong," she admitted, her honesty laid bare, "but my intentions are good."

Tommy halted and turned to face her directly. "It's not about values; it's about the lives of those women," Evara pressed on. Her voice wavered as she continued, "I have to win those elections for them. If I win, I can try and fight for them and change their lives for the better. Or else, Martha will continue to make our lives hell."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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