Chapter 2

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She settled on the bench alongside the other girls, each absorbed in their pre-business rituals. Some braided their hair, others applied layers of makeup, while a few strategically adjusted their attire to reveal more skin. Evrin had already received her share of bold makeup from Natasha, her neighboring partner with long, wild golden hair. Natasha, unlike some others, exuded kindness. Her backstory unfolded as a tale of abandonment by a heartless step-mother after her father succumbed to cancer. The cruelty of the world perplexed Evrin, especially when it came to forsaking children.

Madam Marcella barged in, a flask of vodka in hand, barking orders to cease the makeup endeavors. "The clients are interested in your body, not your face! Hurry up!" she demanded, her words slurred from intoxication as she stumbled away.

Exiting the grotesque building, Evrin found herself among other women portraying themselves in an unsettling tableau. Passersby threw lecherous comments, and her fellow girls invited potential clients with mischievous allure.

"Oi, lad! Come with me, aye?"

"Mister! Wanna have some fun?"

Evrin stood tall, hands defensively in front.Doreen, a girl with brown doe eyes and short, curled brunette hair, approached her. She grabbed Evrin's hand, pressing it against the wall, and boldly rolled up her skirt to expose more skin. A man passed by, ogling the scene. Doreen played to the audience, asking, "Isn't she beautiful? Just look at her!" The man smirked and walked away.

"I'm Doreen,by the way. If you want any chance of income and survival, you have to play the game. It's easier that way," Doreen advised, grabbing Evrin's leg and placing it on the wall as she stood on one leg. Evrin remained silent, observing from a distance.

Another girl joined in, laughing as she grabbed Evrin's other hand and beckoned to the crowd with a 'come here' signal. "Ch, ch." The girl left to join her friends, leaving Evrin staring at her hands, mimicking the motions she had just witnessed.

A man, with a dirty blonde, overgrown beard, halted in his path, scratching his scruffy facial hair. Ascending two steps, he snickered, "Come on then!" and entered the building. Evrin slowly lowered her hands, realizing that she had just secured her own customer. With cautious steps, she followed him inside, stepping into the grim reality she now inhabited.

3 hours later

In the dimly lit room, the flickering flame of a single candle cast dancing shadows on the walls, creating an ambiance that mirrored the complex emotions swirling within Evrin. As Madam Marcella entered, carrying another candle and an undisclosed item, the air thickened with an air of mystery.

The revelation unfolded as Madam Marcella shared the news of Mr. Gonzalez's satisfaction with Evrin's services. A tip, however, was not the only thing bestowed upon her. With a sense of both pride and foreboding, Madam Marcella disclosed the new name she had been given – Evara. It carried not just a change in nomenclature but the weight of destiny, a destiny entwined with the fate of Sparkbrook itself.

Intrigued and slightly taken aback, Madam Marcella observed Evara's transformation with a mixture of disbelief and resignation. The flickering flames of the candles reflected in her eyes as she handed Evara the earnings. However, Evara, emotionless and resolute, chose to cremate the old identity of Evrin. The burning of the tip became a symbolic act, marking the death of the past and the birth of a new persona.

Madam Marcella's perplexed reaction mirrored the broader sentiment of the unexpected turn of events. Yet, as Evara walked away from the flickering flames, her gaze lingering on the ashes of the old self, a new resolve emanated from her. The madam watched, perhaps sensing the emergence of a force beyond her control.

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