chapter 8

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Evara woke before the break of dawn, the first rays of sunlight barely brushing the sky. Her room in the brothel still carried the scent of the night's endeavors, but she paid it no mind. Dressed in a tailored ensemble of black, white, and a touch of crimson, she looked every bit the orchestrator of her destiny.

As she stepped onto the dimly lit streets of Small Heath, a sense of purpose radiated from her every step. The distinct click-clack of her heels echoed through the awakening city, drawing attention to her presence. The rhythmic sound was like a confident heartbeat, setting the pace for the day.

Her outfit, a symphony of dark hues with subtle red accents, complemented the mysterious air she exuded. Her dark eyes, filled with determination, surveyed the waking city. The plan to gain the Shelbys' trust had begun, and Evara moved with the confidence of a chess master plotting her opening moves.

Her first destination was the Garrison, where the Peaky Blinders held court. Evara's mind was a chessboard, and every encounter with a Shelby would be a move strategically calculated to position herself as an indispensable piece in their game.

The creaking door of the Garrison welcomed her, and she entered with a grace that demanded attention. As her heels clicked and clacked against the wooden floor, the room's energy shifted. The men, scattered across the dimly lit room, couldn't help but glance her way, curiosity and intrigue etched across their faces.

The Garrison buzzed with activity, and Evara found herself at the bar next to Arthur Shelby. Their eyes met, and a sly smile played on her lips. Arthur, known for his volatile temperament, seemed a ticking time bomb. Evara leaned in, her tone dripping with mischief.

 "Arthur Shelby, the muscle of the Peaky Blinders. Word is, you've got a bit of a temper."

Arthur grinned "And who might you be, stirring up trouble in our territory?"

Before Arthur could finish his sentence, a rowdy patron bumped into Evara. Without missing a beat, she smoothly grabbed Arthur's drink and handed it to him.

she smirked " Looks like I've just saved your whiskey, Arthur. Consider us even."

Amused, Arthur couldn't help but chuckle as the two shared a conspiratorial glance before chaos erupted in a bar brawl.


In the quiet confines of the church residence, Evara found herself face-to-face with the formidable Polly Gray. Known for her shrewd business sense, Polly eyed Evara with a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

" You've got nerve, coming here like you own the place." polly spoke her voice echoed through the church walls

"I've heard you're the one with a head for business, Polly. Let's talk, woman to woman." 

Their negotiation unfolded like a strategic dance, each woman testing the other's boundaries. Despite the initial tension, Evara managed to secure an alliance that left Polly both impressed and wary.


On the outskirts of Small Heath, Evara found herself in an impromptu training session with John Shelby. The air was filled with the sounds of gunshots as they honed their skills.

 "I don't usually train with outsiders." john smirked looking at the young girl that he remembered from sparkbrooks most infamous brothel.  

 "Maybe you're afraid I'll outshine you, John." She remarked 

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