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I woke up with a serious headache the next day but life had to go on so I was going through some more of my designs, picking which to send and which to improve when I was interrupted by an incoming call. I checked who it was and a bright smile spread widely across my face, it was Dadaji. 

"Assalamulaikum Dadaji how are you?"

"Alhamdulillah mera baccha I'm doing well. I have some news for you.

"Oh, should I be concerned?"

"Not at all I've just found someone who can help you with your new business."

"Oh no! Dadaji what have you done and who is this person?"

"He's your cousin who just returned from Australia, you remember your best friend 'Jazu' as you used to call him." I went deep into thought trying to figure out who it may be because I had many cousins, but Dadaji then struck me with another unexpected news.

"Anyways you should be prepared as your cousin is coming in for a visit sometime today."

"WHAT!? Dadaji you should have told me in advance, and it's been so long I hardly remember him. What will we even talk about?"

"You'll be fine beta he's family so surely you'll bond somehow."

I nodded in response and disconnected the call after bidding my Dadaji farewell. I then made haste and started cleaning the house and got some snacks for my guest who was soon to arrive. Soon after I had completed the preparations, I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly rushed over to open the door and see...the guy who I had spilled coffee on?  I had forgotten his name.

"You?" I said in a confused manner. "You're my cousin? I'm sorry but I really don't remember you. 

"I was also stunned at first, but I felt a sense of familiarity from the moment you bumped into me the other day. Your kind actions were enough to remind me that it was you Sadaf, but I only realized after you had already left."

"Oh My God! Ijaaz Afzal my Jazu." I said gleefully as I remembered the moments we spent together. We were always together, be it a family gathering, wedding or an outing. We were inseparable until his parents moved to Australia when he was 8. I have no idea how I forgot him when he was such an important part of my life.

"That nickname really reminds me of our fun old days." He said with a smile which was soon replaced by a disappointed frown as he looked down sadly.

"I'm sorry I left you." he confessed regretfully.

"It's not your fault Jazu" I said as I held his hand tightly, reassuring him of any guilt that he may have within. I was so happy to have him around again. My Dadaji really knows what I need and when I need it.

Ijaaz's POV:

She held my hand tightly as I tried to calm my racing heart. She was so understanding and kind as usual and I was overjoyed to be able to be by her side right now. I knew about the way Sadaf was treated by her family and it always frustrated me. I also knew that her Dadaji, Mr. Daniyaal Bashar was her only support system.  I would fight for her back then even though I was just a child and even now I won't hesitate to fight for her again if necessary. I always had a crush on her since we were young. It pained me to leave her behind here in Hyderabad, but It wasn't like I could stop my parents. My parents were never too fond about Sadaf anyway but that didn't stop us from being best friends. The only reason I lost contact with her is because my parents refused to let me talk to her even though I yearned to see and talk with her even if it was just once, but my parents were adamant and demanded that I forgot about her. I didn't of course but at some point, my parents put unbearable burdens on my shoulders. The plan was to make me so busy that I forgot her on my own and unfortunately, I succumbed to their evil plan. I didn't permanently forget her but the situation was orchestrated in such a way that I would become so occupied that she would never cross my mind but occasionally I thought about her. My heart swelled with agony as I recollected that awful time. Tears began to well up in my eyes, but I blinked them away not wanting to seem vulnerable in front of Sadaf. I was lucky to find out that Uncle Daniyaal contacted me a month ago to ask me to come back for a while to help and take care of Sadaf as she was starting to work now, and I had quite a few years of experience.

~Back to Sadaf's POV~

"So, I heard you want to start your own fashion line that's so ambitious of you. I see nothing has changed since back then." He flashed me a smile.

I smiled but it wasn't wide enough to reach my eyes and I could see that Ijaaz noticed and so he asked.

"What's wrong? Are things not going well?"

"Yeah, I've submitted a few portfolios, but I haven't gotten any positive feedback. I even went for a physical interview. It was the day I bumped into you." I laughed hysterically finding our encounter to be so strange.

"How is your burn now?" I said whilst giggling.

"It's ok now thanks to the ointment you got me. It actually really helped." 

"See I told you but these days male ego is always at its peak." I said as he laughed at me with that same glint of childishness.

"I'm confused though how are you going to help me with my business?"

"Well, I don't mean to brag or anything but I have started up one of the most successful businesses in Australia."

"Oh, wow that sounds amazing I'm so happy for you. Let me guess it's a car dealership, isn't it?"

"You still remember?" he said dramatically as he wiped away a fake tear. We both then burst out laughing until our stomachs ached. I missed this. I missed him. He was the brother that I wish I had instead of Rohaan and Daanish bhai but I'm so extremely grateful that he's with me now.

"Okay, let's talk business then." he said enthusiastically.

"You said you've submitted your designs to a few boutiques and you haven't gotten any feedback yet. You also said that you went for some physical interviews but again had no luck right?"

"Yeah, you're caught up now."

"Let me ask something first. Why do you want to work for someone when you can be self-employed."

"I had thought about that at first but then I felt that maybe I should work under someone so I can be mentored before I dive into my own business."

"You thought right but I feel that you're more than capable of starting your own business and I bet you'd be very successful, and I know that it could be a frivolous task but that's why I'm here to help."

"Wow that actually sounds like a plan but I'm doubting myself."

"No need, you'll be just fine. I know it."


Authors note: Hello my lovely readers. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Please vote and share with your friends and be sure to follow my Instagram @myrevonly._.writess for spoilers. Thank youuu.😘

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