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The atmosphere was always tense between the two of us ever since Zaahir mentioned the divorce. I was flabbergasted. He started treating me badly. He started insulting me, ignoring me and he even stopped eating whenever I came to the dining table. Zaahirs mom noticed this and called me over to her room to discuss the matter.

"Mamma, you called me ?" I said

"Yes baccha come here" she patted the seat next to her on the blue velvety couch, matching the one in my room.

My eyes filled with tears as I heard the word "baccha" one of the words my Dadaji uses to call me. I didn't realise how much of a void I felt in my life since I don't have him around.

" Sadaf what's going on between you and Zaahir I've been noticing some things and it seems the two of you don't seem to get along"

" We never have mamma, ever since our wedding we've just been living together however there's no love whatsoever in between"

"Oh no, I thought he would become normal once he got married but it seems that he still thinks about that girl."

"Mamma can I ask you something."

"Of course."

"Was she better than me?"

My mother -in- law looked at me with a sad smile and said " no beta it's nothing like that, I know we did the right thing by finding a diamond like you to be our Zaahirs wife." She explained to me. It was amazing how kind hearted my mother and father in law were considering the sort of people I'd spent my life with. I slightly wished it were the same with Zaahir but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

"Mamma he suggested we get a divorce" I told her causing her to jolt her hands up, covering her mouth due to the immense shock that I had given her.

"What!?, How could he dare to say something like that, let me have a word with h-". She stood up ready to lash out on her son but I held her hand stopping her from making any further action.

"I think he's right though, how long will we stay in a relationship in which both of us are unhappy, he's right we should part ways and you should get him married to the girl he desires." " But beta the reason we didn't approve of the girl is because we know she's only greedy for our wealth but my naive son can't identify between good or bad. He's not a bad person I'll assure you of that, he's just under the wrong influence. I'm not sure what potion she has given my son but ever since he met her he hasn't been the same." I thought long and hard but I genuinely couldn't find a solution so I sat there and just sighed heavily feeling helpless and distressed.

"Sadaf I won't pressurize you neither will I force you to stay in this marriage but just give it one more try for my sake."

I looked at her and nodded " only because you're so sweet just like my Dadaji." I smiled and hugged her and soon after I had to run a few errands.

The next day

I woke up early due to a sudden headache so I took a warm bath and made myself a cup of tea. When I came back to my room Zaahir was still sound asleep, he looked kind of cute with his ruffled hair, too bad we weren't going to last for long but just as Mamma said I have to try so I went over to the kitchen to make my husband a scrumptious continental breakfast. I made him toast with butter, a glass of orange juice and a bowl of fresh raspberries and blueberries. I was almost excited thinking of the different possibilities of reactions that he could give. I thought this could be the way to ignite the flame of our relationship.

I first checked the room to see if he was awake and I noticed he wasn't on the couch which meant that he was probably in the restroom so I took the opportunity to bring the tray of food to the room and wait for him to come out. He finally came out and I said. "Zaahir, look I made you breakfast." He simply looked at me with a stern face and said " I'm not hungry right now." I felt a rush of anger running through my veins and then said in the most calm and composed manner " But I spent so much time and effort making this, at least eat a little." "Well did I tell you to put your precious time and effort into making this!" He startled me with his sudden outburst to which I replied " I'm your wife and I don't need anyone to tell me what I should and shouldn't do for you."

I noticed his veins popping out on his forehead. His eyes turned red and I was petrified because I didn't know what he was going to do. " Well maybe I don't want you to be my wife" with that statement he left to dig something out of his cupboard and returned with a file from which he took out some documents. They were divorce papers. My heart dropped to my stomach and I felt a lump in my throat. Yes I was aware that he never loved me but as a wife I always tried to make sure I was there to fulfill his needs but I guess he failed to notice my attempts. I had become used to being around him and doing things for him. It was so heartbreaking to watch him rapidly signing the papers and handing me the pen for me to do the same. I hesitated at first but then I knew there wasn't much I could've done to save this relationship anyway so I swiftly grabbed the pen and signed the document too.

I didn't know what to feel and what not to feel. I felt bad but also relieved because I was free as I always wished of being but still there was a piece of me that couldn't handle the pressure of the situation. I quickly packed my bag and found myself an apartment to stay in using some of the money Dadaji gave me so I had somewhere to stay for about a month and then I would think of the rest from there. I headed downstairs with my suitcase as everyone stared at me in astonishment.

" Sadaf beta where are you going." My father in law inquired.

"Far away from Zaahir and all of you." I replied as tears were streaming down my face. "Jazakallah for always respecting me and treating me with love but unfortunately I'm no longer your daughter as Zaahir and I have taken a divorce."

Everyone gasped as I hugged Mamma and Baba and left their house as they simply stared at the scene unable to comprehend what just took place.

I was going to do something big, something different, something no female in my household could ever achieve and Inshallah I will reach my destination successfully.


Authors note: Hello to my lovely readers, I know it's been a while since I last updated but I wasn't too well. I will definitely try my best to upload more chapters as frequently as possible. With that being said I hope you're enjoying the book so far, be sure to vote, comment and share with your friends. Please try and help me create more publicity for this book so I know whether I should consider writing another book in the future. If you're reading this I appreciate your support soooooooo much. Thank you!😊

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