A few hours later I was relaxing in my room, allowing my parents some alone time with Renee. They loved her like their own daughter, and Renee didn't have a ton of parental relationships outside of my family, so I figured they could use the time together,

"Let's go princess." Renee said, walking into my room with a car key in hand.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"Who said you could ask questions?" Renee squinted with a smirk on her face. "Your dad gave me the keys to the Bronco, now come on."

"Okay." I shrugged, slipping some shoes on and leaving the house with Renee.

We sat in the car quietly for a few minutes as Renee drove around. "Alright." I let out with a giggle. "What exactly are we doing?"

"I just wanted to go on a drive baby." Renee shrugged. "This town is so special to me, and I think I've forgotten that for a while."

"Alright." I chuckled.

We ended up at a few different places that night, eventually landing ourselves at the school. Renee pointed at the elementary wing. "You remember when we first met in that building?"

"I think so." I chuckled.

"You and Cammy would always give me your lunch money cause you knew I didn't have any."

"That's right." I chuckled, my eyes wandering over to the playground. "I hated that stupid playground. The kids were always so mean to me at recess."

"Not true." Renee rolled her eyes. "Cam and I protected you out there."

"Oh protected, is that what we're calling it?" I chuckled.


"Give me your fucking lunch money." The older boy spat at me. Andrew was 10 and the biggest kid in the 4th grade. I was 8 and the smallest kid in 2nd grade.

"I can't." I cried. "I don't have any."

"You're lying." He spat on me, kicking dirt in my face. I was balled up, nestled in the corner of the fence.

Except I wasn't lying. I really had given all my lunch money to Renee that day, packing myself a lunch from home so that we both could eat. "I'm telling the truth Andrew, I swear."

"Bullshit." He snapped, kicking dirt at me once more.

Suddenly I watched as my older brother grabbed Andrew from behind. Cameron was the coolest kid in the 5th grade, and one of the only people in the school who wasn't scared of Andrew. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He snapped. The two of them started fighting, while Renee ran up to check on me.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concern all over her face.

"Yeah I'm fine." I mumbled as Renee helped me up off of the ground.

"Are you sure?" Renee asked.

"Yes." I insisted.

"Okay." Renee sighed, brushing the dirt off me. "Turn around, let me brush off your back."

I turned around for her to brush the dirt off, but yelped harshly when to my surprise, Renee yanked hard on my underwear, giving me a wedgie.

"Ow! Renee what was that for?" I whined.

"For not telling us you were being bullied." Renee said harshly. "How long has this been happening?"

"A few weeks." I mumbled.

Renee growled. "Sparky you have to tell us these things."

I sighed. "Next time I'll tell you guys."

"Yeah, you will. Here." She took off her hoodie and handed it to me. "Put this on, it's clean."

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