24: I'm sorry, Princess

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The rest of the weekend went quickly. Race day was filled with loads of adrenaline. I was running around the entire day getting photos where it was needed. When I got to the track, my dad was in shambles. His assistant had phoned him in the morning, and she had been throwing up the entire evening and morning. Food poisoning. So my dad asked me to fill in for the day. I said yes, thinking it wouldn't be so hard. Man, was I wrong. I only saw a third of the race cause I was running around making sure everything was in order for him.

Even after the race, the to-do list was only halfway done. I got a message from Toto afterward asking if I wanted to have dinner together. I messaged him back, saying I didn't know what time I would be home. That was five hours ago.

I say goodbye to the security guard that let me out the paddock and look down to see my Uber get canceled. I sigh and look around. I was alone except from the guard at the gate. I pick up my phone and phone Toto.

"Hey beautiful," He answers the phone. I hear voices around him and laughter. "Where are you?" He questions.

"I'm still at the paddock," I say.

"What?" He questions.

"I just finished everything and walked out the paddock to see my Uber canceled on me. I was wondering if there's a chance you can come -" He cuts me off.

"I'm on my way already," I hear shuffling before he's saying goodbye to the people he's with.

"Where exactly are you?" He asks as I hear a door close.

I tell him before he tells me he'll see me soon. I put down the phone, and the guard from earlier comes and stands next to me. "Need me to phone a cab for you, mam?" He asks, lighting a cigarette.

"All good someone's coming to pick me up, Thank you," I tell him.

"I like your hair. It reminds me of the brave princess if her hair was straight, " He says. I get this weird feeling in my gut.

"Aha, thanks. I get that a lot." I fake laugh before looking at the time.

"You're welcome." We settle into an uncomfortable silence, and my stomach starts feeling weird.

He leans over and touches my hair. I immediately pull away. "Excuse me. Can you not?" 

"It's just hair. Don't be so defensive," He says.

"You're making me uncomfortable, so would you please mind stepping away from me?" I ask.

He steps closer. "I'm just having some fun. Pretty things like you shouldn't be out here alone at night. There's some bad men out there, " He says, putting out his cigarette and cupping my face.

I push him away, but he pulls me closer.

"Let me go or else I'll scream," I say through gritted teeth.

"It's all just games with you women. Admit you know you want me," He says before  trying to kiss me.

Next thing I know, I'm kicking him in the balls and slapping him. I take a few steps backward as I see him fold over in pain. A car stops next to us before the drivers door opens and someone gets out. I don't take notice until I heat his voice as he wraps his arms around me.

"You okay, princess?" He asks.

"Yea, just some asshole creep," I say. "Let's get home." I say, opening the door. I get in the car, and as I'm about to close the door, the creeps voice screams out.

"You're Christian Horners, daughter! Having Toto Wolff save you. Wait till I tell the media about this," He shouts out. I slam the door behind me and take a deep breath in. I close my eyes and try grounding myself.

Driven By Desire || Toto WolffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ