13|| Younger Girl

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Good morning beautiful.

My phone dings pulling me out of my thoughts. I smile at the text from Toto.

I sigh my mind running through reasons my dad might have disappeared

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I sigh my mind running through reasons my dad might have disappeared. I didn't hear him come in last night, and I wonder if he's even at home. Soon after I turn off my phone and get ready for the day. I put on a pair of pink linen pants and a soft cotton white long sleeve. I match it with the pink and white Nikes I got a few years ago. I straighten my hair before adding mascara and lip-gloss as a final touch.

I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen Geri's there and she looks drained. "Morning Geri" I say. 

"Oh, good morning dear" She says before zoning out again. I grab a bowl and sit down at the table next to Gigi. "What's wrong with her?" I ask Gigi.

"I don't know. I assume it's because dad still isn't home?" 

"Still?" I whisper scream. 

"Yea. Do you have any idea what's up with him? He came into my room last night to give me clothes and was all 'I'm proud of you and i love you'. It was very weird" She breathes. 

"And he left afterwards?" I say.

"No he went to your room to give you clothes didn't you talk to him?" 

I think back to when I walked out the bathroom after my shower and then remember the random pile of clothes. And then the fact my laptop was on. My eyes go wide.

"Addy You okay?" Gigi asks. 

"I think I know why dad disappeared." I state as I hear the front door shut. I watch as my dad walks into the kitchen the smell of liquor following him.

"Christian!" Geri shouts as you see her body relax. "Where were you?" She asks. I feel his Gaze burning my skin. 

He looks up at Geri "No where. Addison-" He says my name laced with poison. "Get upstairs and start packing we're leaving for the Factory earlier than planned." He says sternly.  

"Yes Dad" I say standing up, he scoffs at the answer and I walk out the kitchen before running to my room and pull out my phone, texting Gigi 911. A few seconds there's a small knock on my door and I open it, Letting her in. 

"Okay can you tell me what's happening because I honestly have no idea what's going on" She says as she closes the door. I start pacing my room. 

"He knows." I state


"Dad knows about Toto. I just know it"

"Addy calm down, maybe he's acting weird because something happened to do with work. He doesn't know"

"He saw the pictures I was editing last night of Toto he must have. You said he came to my room but I was in the shower. When I got out the shower my laptop was wide open and On" I say at the speed of light. 

She's quite.

"Gigi I don't need you to be quiet right now. Tell me something"

"Like what? Dad probably knows. I can't lie to you"

"I don't know" I say sitting on my bed feeling tears starting to run down my face. 

"Hey, Hey it's okay. Dad will get over it. You'll be okay. I promise" She says hugging me. 

"But what if he makes me choose?" I cry.


"Him and Toto?" Just the thought brings more tears.

"Addison dad is mature, he wouldn't make you choose. And even if you did, It's not like you really need him. You might have when you were sixteen but you've got a job, and have more than enough savings to start a good life Addy"

"He's my dad Gigi. I can't just leave him" I say. 

"It's okay Addy" She hugs me tighter. "But we need to get you cleaned up and downstairs, if he knows, he's going to be pissed no use in making it worse." She tells me. She quickly runs to our interconnected bathroom and grabs some toilet paper. 

Five minutes, a breakdown, and packed bags later (Thanks to Gigi) Me and Gigi walk down stairs and into the kitchen. We sit down back at the table and I watch as my dad makes himself coffee. 

"Oh Geri did you hear Toto's dating a younger girl?" He says, I feel Gigi grab my hand under the table. 

"Seriously?" Geri says warningly. 

"Yeah apparently someone caught them at a restaurant together on Sunday night. Said she had ginger hair and green eyes. You know now that I think of it, Addy those are you're features" He turns and sips his coffee as he looks at me. My stomach drops and starts twisting, I think I'm going to puke. 

"Are you suggesting Addison is dating Toto?" Gigi says in a disbelief tone.

"Of course not, I know Addison wouldn't hurt me like that" He smiles, and I feel a lump in my throat.

"What was that restaurant you and your friends went to on Sunday night Addy?"

"Jake's Culinary Ascent?" I manage to say. 

"I'm suprised you didn't see them, because that's where they apparently had dinner?" He says.

"Christian" Geri says again.

He looks at his watch. "Geri aren't you supposed to get Montague to school, Don't want him to be late" He says. 

"Honey" She says.

"It's fine Geri, Take OUR kid to school, while I talk to MY daughters" 
She lets out a breath before kissing him on the cheek, a few minutes later we hear the pair leaving. 

"So did you see him and just not say anything?" He asks. 

"Not that I can remember" I smile. 

"You know come to think of it, the picture I saw on twitter she was wearing something similar to what you had on. I mean he basically confirmed it when I messaged him earlier."

"You messaged Toto!?" I said without thinking. 

He lifts a eyebrow at my outburst. "Yeah I did, He told me he may or may not be dating someone younger than him" He says. 

"I'm confused as what Toto having a girlfriend has to do with us?" Gigi says.

"Well Gigi that's a good question, it doesn't really have anything to do with me..." He pauses. "Except when you're sister makes it my problem." They both look at me. 

"What do you mean I've made who Toto Wolff is dating your problem?" I say standing up.

"You can drop the act Addison, I know" He says his voice dangerously calm. 

"What act?" I pretend I don't know what he's talking about .

"For fuck's sake Addison" He spits. I'm taken aback.

"Excuse me?" I say. 

"I thought we we're getting better, that we had put the past behind us, that you loved me again. I was so proud of you and then I saw those pictures. And you can't deny them, you can't deny the photo's you took. So tell me, when did it start?" He says. 

"Dad-" I say.

"NO! No Addison, You don't get to lie anymore. You want to be a grown up, act like it and tell me the truth, when did you start seeing him?" He screams.

I gulp "Saturday night"

He takes a breath in.

"Then you'll have no problem never seeing him again" He says.

"No" I say.

"What did you just say to me?" He asks walking to stand in front of me.

"No!" I say louder.

Next thing I know I feel myself stumbling back wards, my face in pain. He just slapped me. 

"You can hit me all you want Dad, But being an Adult means making decisions and sticking to them. And No matter what you say or do, I've chosen him. Lord knows he's treated me better these past few days then you have the last ten years." I spit.

"Christian" He says under his breath.

"What was that?" I ask

"Christian. Because as long as you decide to be with-" He makes a hand motion "Him. I am not you're father. I am nothing more than your boss. And as your boss I don't give a second thought to anything other than if you do your job. When we get back from Austria, you're packing up your things and moving out of my house." He states.

"You can't kick Addison out" Gigi jumps up  and says.

"Sit back down young lady, You're lucky I'm not kicking you out for helping her keep this from me" He says.

"No Christian. You can fight with me about the people I love, but go to them directly that is when I out my foot down. If you want to be mad at her for helping me keep my relationship secret from you, You fight with me. She is my little sister, you touch a hair on her head and you'll have me to deal with." I warn.

"Please you aren't capable of going up against me" 

"Maybe, Maybe not. But I grew up with you as my father, I know every law you've broken, may it be in racing or in general. I have proof of affairs you've had while on the road, I know every deep dark secret you have. And I'm you're blood, the media would eat it up. You would lose everything. And I mean Everything. And guess what I would make a profit on your downfall. So say it again Christian, tell me how I'm not capable of going up against you."

"Go to the car." He says. "Were already late, grab your stuff and go to the car. We will speak about this when we're in Austria"

Driven By Desire || Toto WolffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu