16: Trust me

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I turn around after closing the door and lean against it. I let out a breath feeling as it wobbles. Fuck. I close my eye's replaying the conversation I just had with Lewis. I trust he wouldn't tell anyone but these things tend to get out of hand quickly. A small off handed comment to someone and I could wake up tomorrow with articles everywhere. I let out another shaky breath and open my eyes. 

The sight is made for sore eyes. Addison in my white t-shirt, that stops at her knees. The neckline falling off one shoulder. Her head tilted at me, her hair following he energy. And those eye's full of worry. She pursed her lips before speaking. "What did you say to him?" Her face is full of worry and it pains me. 

I push myself off the door and walk towards her wrapping my arms around her neck. Hers immediately go to my waist, sealing our hug.  I kiss her head, trying to think a way out of this. "Lewis promised to not tell everybody" I whisper. 

"I'm so tired of hiding our relationship" She whispers, and I feel her body stiffen as she says relationship. She moves out of my arms and sits down at the table. "You should probably get back to your shower." She says. I go to say something when there's another knock at the door. For fucks sake.

I turn and open the door and see it's the actual room service. I take the cart from them and thank them before closing the door. I push the cart to Addison. "Dig in, I'm going to shower" I say. She nods. 

I know I didn't fuck up, but it feels like I did. Addison and I haven't made our relationship official, but- god. I wish I had a but. There's no reason we shouldn't make it official. 

A though so heavy hits me, one so insecure it takes me back when I was a teenager.

What if she doesn't want to make it official? 

I shake my head, trying to get rid of the feeling. 


One deathly hot shower later I walk out into the room and Addison looks up from her phone. 

I smile at her. 

"So a bunch of people are going out tonight to some club, That's why Lewis, I was thinking maybe we could join them." I smile pulling on a blue button up. 

"Is that a good idea especially since Lewis just, you know?" She puts a fry in her mouth.  

"He said a bunch of different teams are going as well, I'm sure you can confirm with Checo or someone" I say. 

"Okay, I think It would be a good idea. Clear my head a bit. I'm going to shower first" She says standing up and walking to the bathroom. I sigh and look to see she's eaten barely anything. Fuck.

I can't let her keep this attitude up.

I walk to the bathroom.


"Okay I'm going to meet Checo downstairs, I'll see you at the club" She says walking over and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm going to ride with Lewis, Give me time to speak to him" I tell her. She smiles. 

"Thanks baby" She say picking up her bag.  She went extremely quite after Lewis and stuck in her head. But after a makeout session on the bathroom counter she turned back into herself. I also promised I would talk properly to Lewis for her.

I watch as she walks out the room that dress hugging all the right places. A similar blue to my shirt. I pick up the phone and call Lewis. 

"Toto" He answers.

"Hey are you ready to go?" I ask. 

"Yeah, Where shall I meet you?" He asks.

"I'll meet you in the hallway in 5 minutes?" I say.

I put the phone in my pocket after we agree. I grab my wallet and put it in my other pocket of my black chinos.  I walk out my door and see Lewis walking towards me.

"Toto Hey!" He says walking over.  I close my hotel door and put the key card in my wallet. 

I look down the hall and see Christian walk out his room. He looks at me and I see his jaw tick and his fist clench. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in before turning around and walking downstairs. 

"Someone's not impressed with you" Lewis says. 

"Yea well he thinks I'm just using his daughter" I say walking to the elevators. 

"I know it's none of my business but are you?" Lewis says when the doors close. 

"Am I what?" I question. 

"Using her?" he says. And I laugh. 

"That girl is not one you use Lewis, she's one you love"  I say when the doors open. I walk to the old school Mercedes, I got for my time in Austria, That the valet had pulled up to the front. 

We got in and I started driving. 

"So you Love her?" Lewis says breaking the silence. 

"I-" I cut myself off. 

"You do" Lewis laughs.

"We just met" I tell him. 

"You hesitated, which means you love her just can't admit it to yourself. And trust me those are the types you don't want to lose" Lewis says. 

"I don't know Lewis, this wasn't supposed to be what we were going to talk about" I say.

"Let me guess, you promised her you'd talk to me about me seeing her this morning. You can tell her not to worry. My love was ruined because of someone like that. My lips are sealed until you make it public." Lewis says. 

"Thank you Lewis" I say.

"No worries" He smiles. "Just promise me one thing?" He asks. 


"Don't deny your love for her. It does more damage than it will good" He smiles.

"Thank you Lewis"

Do I love her?
Of course I do, This is Addison We're talking about. I love her more than the plants love sunlight, more than children love play time, more than dogs love affection. 

I love Addison Tiana Horner more than anything I've ever loved. 

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