15|| Lewis

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"I'm going to need a shower after that," Toto states, flipping off me.

"I need food," I reply, realizing I hadn't had more than a few bites of toast this morning.

He leans over to his side table and picks up the phone.

"What do you want, baby?" He asks.

"Suprise me, I'm going to go to the bathroom quickly." I reply, standing and walking to the bathroom. I stop quickly to put my underwear back on and grab Toto's shirt.

I let the shirt fall down over me landing just above my knees. I love that his height means his shirts are dresses for me. I walk to the bathroom and quickly do my thing. When I walk back out Toto is walking towards me his sweatpants back on. I smirk as he grabs a towel from the cupboard, his back muscles flexing. He looks back at me and smirks. 

"Like what you see?" He winks. 

I shake my head "YoU already know that answer baby." I reply. He laughs as he leans down to kiss me. A knock sounds at the door before I hear "Room Service" being called from behind the door. 

"You get that while I shower quickly okay?" Toto says before walking into the bathroom. 

He closes the door behind him and I walk and open the door. 


I had tried phoning Toto a few minutes ago but it had gone straight to voicemail, but the team wanted an answer so I had decided to just come up and ask him. I knock on the door before hearing someone coming out of a room down the hall. I look down and see Max walking out his room. He gives me a nod in acknowledgement before walking to the elevators. I hear the door behind me opening and turn around expecting to see Toto, but what I see instead shocks me. 

Brown, almost ginger like hair, Big brown eyes and the new Red Bull photographer. 

Her eye's connect with mine as they go wide. A yelp comes out of her before the door is being slammed in my face. What the Hell?

"Toto!!" I hear a muffled scream from the other side of the door. A few seconds later the door is being opened by Toto with no shirt. 

"Lewis. Hey, What are you doing here?" He clears his throat.

"I tried phoning you a few times went straight to voicemail. Um" I clear my throat. This is so Awkward. "Some of the teams and us are going out for drinks tonight, we were wondering if you would like to join. That's if you're not to busy" My eyes involuntarily look behind him trying to get a glimpse of her, to make sure I wasn't seeing things. 

Toto moves blocking my view. 

"I'll have to let you know. I do have dinner plans with someone" He adds and I don't think I've ever seen Toto so.....Nervous. 

"I assumed so. Honestly a bit surprised though" I say and by the way Toto's face twists I immediately regret it. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" He adds.

"I just mean,  The RedBull photographer, I guess when you told us to keep our friends close and our enemies closer you meant it" I say and then it clicks. "Wait isn't she Christians daughter, that's what Checo said when Carlos asked about her.  You're sleeping with the Enemies daughter." I state. Oh my god Lewis just shut up, you're only making things worse for yourself.

"Lewis, who I do and don't have romantic relationships with is none of your business. If it doesn't affect your work, I don't give a damn which celerity you're jumping into bed with. The same should apply here. Now I'll have to get back to you about drinks this evening. And Lewis-"


"As your friend and your boss, don't mention this to anyone. We both know how the media can ruin ones relationships." He says sternly. There's this thing about Toto that no matter how badly he's reprimanding you, he's always calm and doesn't raise his voice. It's almost fatherly like. Which makes it even scarier. 

"I won't sir" I give him a half smile. 

"Now what time and where?" He asks.

"It's all in a message I sent you an hour ago" I tell him.

"Good, I'll let you know. Now have a good rest of your afternoon" He says before closing the door.

I run a hand through my hair and take a deep breath out. What is Toto doing man?

I look down the hall and see Christian coming out of a room. His eyes look at the door I'm standing next to, and I never thought I'd say this but I feel bad for him. The way his eye's are puffy and look like he hasn't slept in days, makes me think he's going through a rough time. His eye's meet mine and looks me up and down before  shaking his head. He turns and walks down the hall, almost in slow motion. 

This seems like a family affair I want nothing to do with. 

So with that I walk back to my room and start getting ready for tonight trying my hardest not to think about the things that have no business living in my mind. 

Driven By Desire || Toto WolffWhere stories live. Discover now