09|| Hotter

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I see Addison pull up and the Valet open her door. I watch as she hugs Gigi before she gets out the car. She walks into the establishment and Immediately locks eye's with me. I discreetly point to the upstairs and she walks up them. I follow a few seconds later. I meet her in the hallway and open the door to our private room. She walks in and stops. She turns around as I close the door. I walk towards her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I pull her in and connect our lips.  The taste sweet like strawberries.  We pull apart and I lead her to the table. She sits down and I push in her chair. 

"Thank you" She smiles up at me.

"Of course darlin" I smile as a I slip into my own chair across from her. 

The door to the room opens and a waitress walks in.

"Good evening Mr. Wolff. My name is Stacy, and I'll be serving you tonight." She sends a rude glance at Addison. Any hopes of this girl getting a good tip just went out the window. 

"Can I get you started with drinks?" She beams at me. 

I loom over the table to Addison. 

"What are you going to have?" She asks.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. What would you recommend Steffie?" I say to the waitress not taking my eyes off Addison, who was fighting a smile.

"It's Stacy and I would recommend our famous white wines" She responds only looking at me. 

I smile. "We'll have a bottle of red" I send a glance to make sure Addison is okay with the choice and there's a smug smile on her face.

"Of course and have we by chance had a look at the menu? I would recommend-"  She bends down close to me and points at something on the menu but my eye's are locked on Addison. 

"Not yet. But give us a few moments to discuss. And won't you tell Jake that I send my regards?"

Her face goes white. "Yes Sir" She says and walks out. I roll my eyes.

"Some people are so desperate it's embarrassing" I whisper.  

Addison laughs "I can't blame her, You're kind of hot"

"Kind of?"

"Well somethings make you hotter than others"

"Please do tell"

I watch as her eyes darken a bit, before she bites her lip. "Well firstly those eyes, the way they undress me from across the room. Or should we talk about your hands, slightly calloused, running down my bare skin? Or should we talk about what your hiding under that suit" 

"Watch your mouth sweetheart"

"Or what?"

"Do you really want me to show you?"

"Well isn't that the whole reason I'm at a friend tonight?" The look she sends me sends me sets my skin on fire.

"Well I guess it is, But-" I'm cut off by a knock at the door before Jake, the owner of the restaurant, walks in. 

"Toto" He smiles  and walks into the room. 

"Jake" I say standing up and shaking his hand. Addison stands beside me. Jake goes to hug her and I take a step in front of her. 

"Addison this is Jake Jacobus " I say.  Addison shakes his hand.

"You look familiar, any relation to Melanie Ericson?"

"Yes she was my mom" Addison smiles. 

"Your Christian Horner's daughter? On a date with Toto Wolff sure" He laughs. Me and Addison just look at each other.

"Damn I guess it's true. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

"Listen Jake, It's not like that. Me and Addison are just having dinner. But I just wanted to point out that our waitress was being extremely unprofessional. Flirting, being touchy, ignoring a customer. Is there a chance we could switch to a different waiter. Preferable one who won't flirt with me in front of Addison?"

"Yes, right away Toto." He says starting to walk out the room.

"And Jake" He stops at the door.

"We'll have the steak. House favorite, No?"

"You are correct"

"Great, If you could get that for us, as well as the previously ordered wine, it would be appreciated. Oh and this is a private room after all, you know how I like them" I smile. 

"Of course. I'll bring your food and wine for you now." Jake says and I nod excusing him. He walks out the door and I turn to Addison who's staring at me, a glint in her eye.

"Care to explain that look in your eye?"

"What can I say, that was sexy. I like when your demanding."

I send her a wink and watch as a a blush creeps onto her cheeks.

We both sit down again and Addison pulls out a small camera, not like the one she uses at the track. "Pose, I wanna take a picture" She says bringing the camera up to her face. 

I put my hands on the table Infront of me and look to the smile smiling. She takes the photo and laughs. "You old men and not knowing how to pose".

I put a hand on my heart and pretended to be offended. 


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