Fatima had her head down in her laptop and didn't notice that Kyle had walked in 

Kyle: Oh my we must have a new lawyer in the building I like your hair 

Fatima looked up and started combing her hands through her curls to make sure it didn't turn into a full blown afro. 

Fatima: Thank you

Fatima got straight to it no small talk 

Fatima: Did your client finally decide to settle 

Kyle: They did, they agreed to the terms that were originally given 

Fatima: Okay great I will have my assistant Ebony draw up the paper work  and we can have your client sign it today

Kyle: Great 

Fatima: You know this could have been said in an email or over the phone verses a face to face meeting 

Kyle: I wanted to see your face when I tell you my client settled 

Fatima: I already knew it was going to happen no extra excitement this way but thank you I have another meeting to get to 

Kyle: No thank you 

Kyle had a little smirk on his face 

Fatima grabbed her things then headed back to her office Ebony came walking in behind her 

Ebony: Well that was quick 

Fatima: Exactly he could have sent that shit in an email it's something off about him. Where did you say he came form 

Ebony: Hell if I know he just showed up one day I thought you knew him 

Fatima: Hell no but see what you can find out about him I don't know what it is but my radar going off when ever he is in my presence 

Ebony: Good or bad radar 

Fatima: I don't get good vibes from him 

Ebony: I can see what I can find and let you know 

Fatima Okay thank you girl 

Ebony: Of Course 

Fatima: I am about to head to Zac's office I will be back in a few 

Bryce & Angela Home

Bryce: Hey baby I am about to go meet Zac I will be back shortly 

Angela: Okay you need to be careful don't be going over there running your mouth 

Bryce: What are you talking about me and Zac are boys we cool again 

Angela: You can believe that shit if you want to all I am saying is be careful 

Bryce: Alright I thought you would be happy to reconnect back with Fatima

Angela: It didn't feel genuine I don't know I just didn't get a good vibe 

Bryce: You are over thinking it just go with the flow 

Angela: Maybe you are right 

Zac's Office

Bryce: Yo man this office is nice where my office gone be at 

Zac: Slow ya roll man you going to fast we need to talk business first 

Bryce: Okay cool 

Zac: So what have you been doing business wise lately 

Bryce: Just small clients here and there 

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