|Tʜᴇ Fɪʀsᴛ Dᴀʏ|

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मांधो म्हारो छोकरों नि 

सुन्दर थारी छोरी 

लागे सबने एहू जैसे 

रब ने बना डी जोड़ी


I stretched my arms lazily. I turned around to sprawl, but I next moment my eyes shot open and a painful groan escaped my lips when I fell of the couch, with my comforter entangled with my legs.

A muffled cry escaped my lips, and I twisted my head behind to rest it on the couch. My eyes were barely open, but with those half open eyes, I looked at her who was sleeping soundly on the bed, comfortably. 

But the next moment, my half open eyes opened to their biggest size possible. Night suit? Really? A night suit? It was her trap to throw me out of the bed?! 

How dare she?! She is so dead now.

Jumping back on my feet, I marched to her and in then next few seconds, she was sitting on the bed, breathing deep, half bathed and a empty jug in my hands. 

I rested my knee on the bed, and grabbed her face, making it tuff for her to speak. She was struggling for a release. 'How dare you double cross me, bitch!'

Pushing my hand away, I stumbled on my feet, when I received a leg on the midriff. I groaned in pain. 'How dare you?!'

'Dare you call me with those words again, and next time the kick won't be on the midriff, but a few inches below the level. And then don't blame me if you lose the capability to have kids!'

Fuming with anger, I grabbed her upper arm, yanking her close. 'Oh is it? Don't forget you little stingy bee, if I go infertile, then it's you who's gonna suffer.'

'I would better die childless, rather than having a child with you.', she scoffed.

My hand went to her hair, fisting them in my palm. She shrieked in pain, trying to freed herself. 'Do you think you are Miss. Universe that I will die over your beauty?! I don't even spit at people like you, sleeping with you is a way far thing!

My fist immediately let go of her hair, when she spat at me. 'But I do!'

'You bitch!', I wiped off my face, but a punch of shock hit my face, when she grabbed my neck, piercing her nails.

She stepped deadly close to me. 'Say that again and I chop your tongue off.'

I was shocked seeing her guts. How dare she grab my neck. Clasping her hand tight, I twisted her behind her back. She moaned in pain, as I tightened my grip. 

Possibly, the marks of my fingers would have been imprinted on her wrist. 'And you little bee, touch me again, and I will file a domestic violence case against you.'

Saying this, I shooed her away harshly, leaving her to collapse on the bed. That was loud, a painful shriek escaped her lisp as she landed on the bed.

Such a attention seeker. That was a bed, with a soft and fluffy mattress, and she's acting as if she had hit a stone. 

Shooing her away from my eyes, I headed out of the room, my towel and a pair of my formals, giving her the last look of the day.

Shooing her away from my eyes, I headed out of the room, my towel and a pair of my formals, giving her the last look of the day

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