Chapter 14 : What? Just curious

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It's been a whole week since that moment when Ao'nung and I shared our first kiss. It was a secret kiss, so nobody saw it, but somehow, everyone seems to sense that something's different between us now. We've both agreed to keep our relationship quiet for now, but it's making me feel all jittery inside. I want to take things slow, not wanted to rush into anything too quickly.

As for telling my parents, well, that's a whole other thing. Especially when it comes to Dad. I'm worried he'll be mad. Jake,he's got a temper, you know? really bad one. So, I've been holding off on sharing this news, at least until things feel a bit more settled.

Ao'nung and I have been meeting in secret, mostly at night or super early in the morning when nobody else is around. It's like our own little world, just the two of us. But during the day, it's back to business as usual. I wear the necklace he gave me most days, but I make sure to take it off during training or when we're with others. I don't want any nosy questions or people making assumptions.

Despite the calm on the surface, there's this lingering feeling of suspicion in the air. Atu'lu and his crew, they've suddenly become all buddy-buddy with us, but it feels a bit too convenient. Tsireya, she's warned me to be cautious around Atu'lu, and I can't shake the feeling that something's not quite right.

But even with all these worries swirling around in my head, there's still that warmth in my heart whenever I think about Ao'nung and our little secret. It's like this tiny flame burning inside me, filling me with hope and excitement for what's to come.

I helped Tsireya, Tsotey'la, and Ronal with their fishing net. We were joined by many other women from the village. Ronal mentioned that the Tulkun would be returning in a few weeks, and when they did, there would be a big celebration with lots of food. This time, it would be even bigger, with other clans joining us. That meant more fish to catch, which everyone was excited about.

I watched as the women worked together, their connection with each other and the sea evident in their movements. It reminded me of the bond I had with Tsyeylor, my soul sister. Even though I had made friends with the Ilu, it wasn't quite the same. The loss of Tsyeylor still weighed heavily on my heart, and I hadn't fully healed from it yet.

Tsireya and Tsotey'la noticed my sadness, their expressions mirroring my own. They exchanged a worried look, unsure of how to comfort me. Ronal, sensing the somber mood, decided to try and lighten the atmosphere.Tsireya and Tsotey'la noticed my distraction, my ears flattening against my head as I sank deeper into my thoughts. They exchanged a worried glance, unsure of how to cheer me up. Ronal, sensing the heaviness in the air, decided to try and lift my spirits.

Not far from where we were working, a group of boys, including her son, were watching me curiously. It was no secret that some of the young men in the village had taken an interest in me, but I had politely turned down their advances. Ronal, always curious, decided to tease me a little.

"Y/n, have you ever had your eye on any of the boys here?" she asked casually, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Tsireya and Tsotey'la's jaws practically hit the floor at her question, and they shot me startled looks.

"What? Just curious," Ronal chuckled.

"Well, no, not really. But I have to say, the boys here are definitely easy on the eyes," I laughed along with her, noticing her surprise at my response.

"Is that so? Tell me more," Ronal prodded, intrigued.

"Well, the boys back in my clan are good-looking too, but in a different way. They're leaner, more agile, suited for the forest life. But here, it's different. The boys have broader shoulders, a commanding presence, and well-built muscles. It makes me feel... protected, I guess? And I love the cultural tattoos; they make me feel less self-conscious about my mark," I explained, blushing slightly.

maganta - tsu'tey heritage ( ao'nung x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora