Chapter 4 : shattered Bonds

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Dear Readers,

A big thank you for reading and supporting the story! Your interest means the world. In this chapter, Y/n and her family face tough times, and I hope you feel connected to their journey. Your feedback keeps the story going, and I hope you enjoy what's coming next.

Thanks for being awesome readers!

Since their return to their home, Y/n had not talked to anyone. She rode behind Jake on his ikran, her palpable sorrow affecting everybody in her family. Neteyam watched her closely as she gazed at the ground with an empty, soulless glare. Her puffy, red eyes were covered with tear marks, and she seemed dead inside. It was as if she wasn't truly with them. Nobody had ever seen her like this before. Even when upset, she usually maintained joyfulness around them, ensuring everyone was okay. The pain in her head was profound, making it nearly impossible for her to think.

When Jake landed, Mo'at hurried to them, accompanied by Ma'lu and the women of the clan. Some curious little girls approached to see the usually proud and beautiful Y/n, but the atmosphere was far from normal; it was shrouded in sorrow. Mo'at wondered if someone had died. Everyone was counting the family members in front of them, "6,7... but everyone is here. Why is everyone so sad?" asked the first little girl. Before they could figure it out, Y/n emerged from her family, ears pinned down to her head, appearing lost.

The crowd fell into a hushed silence, their eyes fixed on Y/n. Something about her had changed, and confusion rippled through the gathering. The once joyful Y/n now sported red, puffy eyes, tear stains tracing a path down her cheeks, and her gaze seemed lost in some far-off place.

People were perplexed, exchanging glances and frowns, trying to decipher what had caused such a sudden shift in Y/n. She appeared like a shell of her usual cheerful self, and even the children, who typically awaited her with excitement, sensed the heaviness in the air.

As the crowd grappled with this unexpected change, a more disconcerting sight drew their attention—an unsettling amount of dark, viscous blood covered Y/n's hands, body, and mouth. It was different, not the familiar hue of Na'vi blood. Murmurs and worried expressions spread like wildfire as the realization dawned upon them that something was profoundly wrong.

The unusual color of the blood heightened their concern. It wasn't the typical shade they associated with their people. Gasps of disbelief echoed through the assembly as they collectively recognized the gravity of the situation.

In that moment, an unspoken understanding coursed through the crowd. It was Tsyeylor's blood, her palulukan. The connection between Y/n and her loyal companion ran deep, possibly even more profound than the bond shared by an Ikran rider and their Banshee.

The color of the blood became a symbol, a silent language conveying the profound loss. Y/n stood amidst the collective gaze, an embodiment of heartbreak.

Tsyeylor was a part of the clan, Y/n's soul sister. There was no Y/n without Tsyeylor and no Tsyeylor without Y/n.

Tsyeylor was like family to Y/n, her soul sister. They were always together, exploring the lush world of Pandora. From playing by sparkling streams to finding peace , their shared moments were full of joy.

While others flew with their ikran, Y/n stayed close to the ground with her palulukan. Their bond was different but just as strong. The clan looked up to them, seeing a unique connection that inspired everyone.

As the sun set, casting a warm glow, Y/n remembered those times racing through the colorful forests. Tsyeylor became a symbol of strength and unity in the clan. Even without an ikran, Y/n showed that deep bonds could be formed in different ways.

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