Chapter 1

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*JJK's pov*

"Aissshh..I am late today.Why didnt mom wake me up? Mom should know her fav child likes to sleep a lot." I whispered to myself.I am in the car,on my way to the Jeon's company.My dad got retired last year so he decided to give this company to his one and only son,me.So tiring.

*End of JJK's pov*

*Author's pov*

*Imagine him in this black suit

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*Imagine him in this black suit.Handsome!*

He arrived at the company,with his elegant black suit,walking to his cabin in hurry.He is late for 2 hours by the way.But it didnt bother him since he is the CEO.All of the people bow to him as a sign of respect to their boss.

As he arrived at his cabin,his secretary,Kim Taehyung, already waiting for him with cold face.His mood seems down and not really cheerful this morning.Probably because his boss came late today to the office.

"Good morning,boss.I already prepared the schedule for today.Its in the tablet.You need to get ready for a meeting with Wonha's company at 11 am.Its is 2 hours from now.I need to go back home because of family matters." as Taehyung said that,he exited the cabin and walk to the entrance of the company.

Jungkook nodded and took the tablet to take a look on his schedule.It seems busier than any schedule he ever had.He sighed and decided to rearranged the files on his table.Once he done with it,he take a nap and rest his head on the table.

He set an alarm on his phone at 10.50 am so he would not miss the meeting.Want to know why Jungkook didnt take a female worker as his secretary? Because he believe that woman cant do any work correctly and perfectly.And he hate that so much.

*End of Author's pov*

*JJK's pov*

Its already 10.50 am and I hear the alarm ringing.I close it and get ready for the meeting.I still feels sleepy because of the bike racing last night.It ended at 3 am and I only got 6 hours of sleeping.Its not enough! I want to sleep more.However,its my hobby from now on...Yeah.I rush to the meeting's room and take my place as the CEO.

Three hours later,the meeting ended and I went back to my cabin.Its 2 pm and I feels that my stomach growling.I decided to fill my empty stomach at a small restaurant near my company.

As I entered the restaurant,I sit on a chair and called a waitress to take my order.The waitress seems a little bit different from the others,she is wearing hijab and abaya? For me,its really weird and I really think that she will get fired in anytime because of the way she clothing.

The waitress seems a little bit different from the others,she is wearing hijab and abaya? For me,its really weird and I really think that she will get fired in anytime because of the way she clothing

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*Fiya in this abaya.Extremely gorgeous!*

As she arrived at the table I am sitting to,I wanted to order rice with pork curry but suddenly I realized that this restaurant is halal typed food.I have no choice so I ordered a plate of rice with chicken milkbutter and a glass of fresh orange juice.

I sighed,no wonder the waitress is wearing such a cloth.As the waitress taking my order,she nodded and rushing to place my meals.I wanna tell you all something.Before this,no one has caught my eyes,but the waitress seems like..attractive?

No way..but for real,she looks beautiful and extremely gorgeous in that purple abaya and hijab.I cant deny it.She seems like hiding her beauty behind that boring clothes.I want to know about her more than everything but at the same time,I want to keep my cold and arrogant personality altogether.

Soon,the waitress bring my food and placed it on my table.Its looks really delicious.The restaurant not so busy and I can see that most of the workers there is not muslim.Maybe,she is the only one.I starts to eat my food and need to go back to work for 30 minutes upcoming since my schedule is heavy today.

I paid the food and walk back to my cabin.I cant stop thinking about her.She is just a random person in a huge country.The food is really delicious.I wondering if she is the one who cooked it.I smiled and went back to my work.

*End of JJK's pov*

*Rafiqah Wafiya ( Fiya ) 's pov*

Its already 8 pm and its time to get back home.My family is not that rich,not that poor but I am really grateful for whatever Allah gave to us.I finished my work early and now I am on my way to home by walking as I didnt get my driving license yet.

Today is a bit different from the others.Why? Cause of that one young man that looks quite rich came to our restaurant and ordered pork? Hah..funny.Did he even realized that this restaurant is halal? Whatever.

But one thing is he always staring at me.Its scaring me you know.I wonder if that stares make him want to kidnap way.Rob way at all.Whatever.It just me and my weird mind.Believe in Allah,nothing will happen to me.

*End of Fiya's pov*

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