Chapter Six

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A short chapter yet again.. Hi! Fair warning on this chapter though, and you'll know. Btw, sorry for the yet another delayed updated. Enjoy this chapter.. Lovelots guys, hope you vote and comments your thoughts on this.


Jesse and Sherry walked across the quiet halls of the preschool. After Lyle and Sherry's conversation, Jesse asks for Sherry to check the inventory with him and would lose some tension inside the room.It was seven o'clock p.m. and they just finished checking the storage and calculated how it'll last for all of them. Then Jesse breaks the overbearing silence between them both and starts with,

"I dunno about serious stuff like situations like 'this' but you don't have to make Miss Lye be too pressured... you know?" he shrugs.

"Ugh... Jes... it was a spur in the moment and plus that 'Lyle isn't the only adult' is bogous to me..." Sherry laughs and walk along as she spots their room which was one of the classrooms, Room 8. "And plus, it would be terrifying to know the reason or the cause of this event... I just wish it's not what I think it is."

The halls never felt so quiet as both become silent and kept walking towards their lodgings which had ten tables smooched together to make a bed that had three of their little roommates. Kelsey, Johannes, and Felicia were one of the kids Lyle found on the highway and they were used to Jesse and Sherry's presence that Lyle was pressured to let the trio stay with the two teenagers to avoid more cries which didn't mind extra company.

Then this was the result, the trio sleeping in even if both of them still weren't in the room. Jesse looked over the sleeping toddlers and felt at ease as they didn't stay up late to wait for them and then looked over to Sherry who had clear pair of tired eyes but had a small smile as she looked over to these little attachments to their lives now and the whole preschool at that of kids.

Both of them weren't siblings, just two teens who met that were frantically shouting for their parents when they disappeared on that day of doom.

Sherry could not comprehend that her mom was gone and screamed as her mother started to disappear on the driver sit while Jesse was calling out for his dad and mom as he tries open their door still in not believing that they weren't there anymore. Both were calling their phones believing maybe they were just teleported to another location but they were out of coverage, all of them were. In a moment of frustration, Jesse walks over to every car and checks if there were people, just to reassure himself it was just a nightmare and his dad was just there and he was just out of the car but the vehicles he came across were empty and most of them had toddlers in them. They were asleep most of them, 'three' he counted.

Jesse walks around a bit more and was startled when a loud comes from the car on front open its door abruptly and there comes out, Sherry who was walking towards the edge of the railings in the overpass bridge and he picked up quickly on what she was going to do.

"Hey Jes," Sherry comes near him and he gets pulled out of his thoughts. "What?"

Sherry smiles at him and hugs him, "W-what's this, Sher?". Taken aback of this quite surprising embrace, but he returns her hug and asked.

"What is it?" he whispers through the air that filled the room, "Thank you for being there that day, thank you for helping me and thank you for... everything, really." She sobs into his shirt and trembles as he gently rubs her back, "I wouldn't have met this miracle, Miss Lyle who wouldn't give up on the others like us that were left behind and it just... I didn't want to say that she stop her search for others because.. because—"

"It's okay, we're not God, we can't play god and save all of them," he sighs and continuous to rub her back gently. Sherry nods but then she breaks away from him and then she takes a good look at this boy in front of her who was a little taller than her but had black jet hair and bright brown eyes. She felt at ease whenever he was around the room, and she was dependent to him and she was sure of that.

"I don't know how to say this the easier way but I know Miss Lyle our capacity in this place has reached its limit and I also know that were nearly short on food storage. But I just can't take it that we still don't know the reason nor the cause of this whole damn thing." Sherry shakes her head, "I don't believe in aliens nor science but please it can't be that... right?"

"I suspect that too, and I just wish it weren't the case." He and Sherry share a look and nods as they silently agreed to go to sleep.

A new morning beckons the pack of children as they awake in there made to be beds. Lyle being the first one to wake up and checks the perimeter of the school and notices a van near the convenience store near the entrance way. In the moment she was alerted and ran fast and advised the children to stay in their rooms, which she said it to everyone one of them face to face.

Each room she passed was now locked after she told them, then she puts double locks the on their storage room and alarm that she had for bears for her said to be trip and then she waited in their CCTV room which she, Jesse and Sherry were the only ones allowed to go into. 

And then waited there for about an hour to see if those darned pest would be that curious to see if there was anyone here. Then she took a closer look at the ones near the gate then saw the one in the leather jacket that was, she presumes a seventeen-year-old trying to talk to his group while holding a...

"Walkie talkie?"

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